The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 76 Notes

 4. Prior to World War II: Daniel Kleinman, Politics on the Endless
Frontier: Postwar Research Policy in the United States (Durham, NC: Duke Uni-
versity Press,  99 ),  8 –  9.
. up to the 1950 s: Philip Pardey, Julian Alston, and Connie Chan-Kang,
“Public Food and Agricultural Research in the United States: The Rise and
Decline of Public Investments, and Policies for Renewal,” AGree Transform-
ing Food & Ag Policy, April  0  3 , vi,  3 (Table ), http://www.foodandag 0 Food% 0 and% 0 Ag% 0
Research% 0 in% 0 US-Apr% 0  0  3 .pdf.
 6. President Roosevelt commissioned Bush: Roger Pielke Jr., “In
Retrospect: Science—The Endless Frontier,” Nature 466 (August  0  0 ): 9 –
 3 , 4669 a.pdf.
 7. “purest realms of science.”: Vannevar Bush, Science—The Endless
Frontier, A Report to the President on a Program for Postwar Scientific Research
(Washington, DC: National Science Foundation,  960 ), chap. 3 , https://ar 00 unit.
 8. Such research was driven by curiosity: Ibid.
 9. basic research meant uncovering “practical applications”: Ibid.
30. Speaking of agriculture: Ibid., chap. .
3 . “embedded in commercial possibility.”: Don Lotter, “The Genetic
Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science—Part : Academic Capital-
ism and the Loss of Scientific Integrity,” International Journal of Sociology of
Agriculture and Food  6 , no.  ( 009 ),  0 – 68 , 6 /
3 . other agencies soon leap-frogged: Pielke Jr., “In Retrospect.”
33. USDA received less than 2 percent: “Figure 4 -  9 : Federal Obliga-
tions for R&D, by Agency and Character of Work: FY  0 ,” Science and Engi-
neering Indicators 2014 (Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, NSB 4 -
0 ), 4 – 36 , 4 /content/etc/nsb 40 .pdf.
34. legislation that tied up loose ends: Pardey et al., “Public Food,” 4 ,
fn. 39.
3 . “the patent system to promote: US Government Publishing Office,
“Public Law 96 -  7 ,” accessed November  6 ,  0  7 ,
/pkg/STATUTE- 94 /pdf/STATUTE- 94 -Pg 30 .pdf.
36. the most inspired piece of legislation: “Innovation’s Golden Goose,”
The Economist, December ,  00 , 476

6  3.
37. behave more like businesses than neutral arbiters: “Bayhing for
Blood or Doling Out Cash?” The Economist, December  0 ,  00 , , http:
// 3  766 .

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