The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 78 Notes

edu/functions/budget/documents/FY 7  8 CompleteBudgetGuidelinesFinal
48. universities are in a bind: Jon Marcus, “The Decline of the Midwest’s
Public Universities Threatens to Wreck Its Most Vibrant Economies,” The
Atlantic, October ,  0  7 , 0  7

/ 0 /midwestern-public-research-universities-funding/ 4  889 /.
49. Those guided by different priorities: Those here refers to anyone
who has tried to bend the science platform to serve their own vested interests.
This includes legislators who withhold funding or attempt to discredit sci-
entific findings; lobbyists, trade associations, agribusinesses, etc., who try to
invalidate or misdirect scientific results that threaten to raise costs or lower
profits; and consumers who fear that their standards of living could be jeop-
ardized by science-based outcomes. These are all examples of direct attempts
to steer the scientific platform in self-serving ways. Indirectly, all of us are
guilty when we believe that the role of science is to make our lives better
rather than help us become more knowledgeable about how all life (not just
our own), nature, and the Earth are intimately intertwined.
 0. States have pared back their commitment: Christopher Newfield,
The Great Mistake: How We Wrecked Public Universities and How We Can Fix
Them (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press,  0  6 ),  33 – 38.
. research results that benefit the funder: José Massougbodji et al.,
“Reviews Examining Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Body Weight: Corre-
lates of Their Quality and Conclusions,” American Journal of Clinical Nutri-
tion 99 , no.  (May  0  4 ):  096 –  04 , 0. 394 /ajcn. 3. 063776 ;
Thomas Bodenheimer, “Uneasy Alliance—Clinical Investigators and the
Pharmaceutical Industry,” New England Journal of Medicine 34 , no.  0 (May
 000 ):  39 – 44 , 0 . 0  6 /NEJM 0000  834  0  4 ; Joel Lex-
chin et al., “Pharmaceutical Industry Sponsorship and Research Outcome
and Quality: Systematic Review,” BMJ 3  6 (May  003 ):  67 – 70 , https://doi
.org/ 0 . 36 /bmj. 3  6. 7400 . 67 ; Lenard Lesser et al., “Relationship between
Funding Source and Conclusion among Nutrition-Related Scientific Arti-
cles,” PLoS Medicine 4 , no.  ( January  007 ): 004 – 46 , 0 . 37 
/journal.pmed. 004000 .
. nothing to do with advancing knowledge: Marion Nestle, “Corpo-
rate Funding of Food and Nutrition Research: Science or Marketing?” JAMA
Internal Medicine  76 , no.  ( January  0  6 ):  3 –  4 , 0 . 00 /jama
internmed. 0 . 6667.
 3. agricultural production increased 169 percent: Clancy et al., “U.S.
Agricultural R&D.”
 4. $16.2 billion spent on food and agricultural research: Ibid.

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