The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 80 Notes

versity of Chicago Press,  994 ),  4. Cited by: Naomi Oreskes, “Science and
Public Policy: What’s Proof Got to Do With It?” Environmental Science &
Policy 7 ( 004 ): 369 – 83 ,

Chapter 7

. Today, the logic of buying and selling: Michael Sandel, What Money
Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
 0 ), Kindle edition, 93 – 94.
. Adolf Hitler ordered his forces: Alexis Peri, The War Within: Diaries
from the Siege of Leningrad (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,  0  7 ),
Kindle edition, 349.
3. most of the 800,000 who perished: Ibid.
4. the museum’s director launched a daring plan: Gary Nabhan, Where
Our Food Comes From: Retracing Nikolay Vavilov’s Quest to End Famine (Wash-
ington, DC: Island Press,  008 ), .
. hinterlands of Russia: Ibid.
6. Seven weeks later: Ibid., .
7. the Research Institute of Plant Industry: Ibid., 9.
8. 2,500 species of food crops: Ibid., 3.
9. the Third Reich’s future use: Ibid., 8.
 0. simply cold-treating seeds: James Crow, “N. I. Vavilov, Martyr to
Genetic Truth,” Genetics  34 , no.  (May  993 ): – 4 , https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih
.gov/pmc/articles/PMC 0  4  7 /pdf/ge 34 .pdf.
. The official press release: Nabhan, Where Our Food Comes From, 7.
. most dedicated coworkers slowly starved to death: Ibid., 8.
 3. excluded products of nature: “The Patent Act of  790 , chap. 7 ,  stat.
 09 –  (April  0 ,  790 )—The First United States Patent Statute,” chap. VII, IP
Mall, University of New Hampshire School of Law, accessed September 3 ,  0  8 ,
/Patent_Actof 790 .pdf.
 4. It was Thomas Jefferson: “Summary of Public Service, [After  Sep-
tember  800 ],” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives
.gov/documents/Jefferson/ 0 - 3 - 0 - 0080.
. directed overseas consuls to collect rare seeds: A. Pieters, “Seed Dis-
tribution by the United States Department of Agriculture,” The Plant World
 3 , no.  (December  9  0 ):  9 – 96 , 434768  9

.pdf; A. Pieters, “The Business of Seed and Plant Introduction and Dis-

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