The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  8 

tribution,” in Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture— 1905 (Washington,
DC: US Government Printing Office [GPO],  906 ),  9 , https://naldc.nal 4364699 /PDF.
 6. the country was all in on: “The Patent Act of  790 ,” IP Mall.
 7. one billion packages of seed: Debbie Barker, “History of Seed in the
U.S.: The Untold American Revolution,” Center for Food Safety, August  0 , 743

 8. Small fledgling seed companies: Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo, “The Seed
Industry in U.S. Agriculture: An Exploration of Data and Information on
Crop Seed Markets, Regulation, Industry Structure, and Research and De-
velopment,” Economic Research Service (ERS), AIB- 786 , February ,  004 ,
, 4  3 .
 9. control prices, limit supply, and increase profits: Jack Kloppenburg,
First the Seed: The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology (Madison, WI:
University of Wisconsin Press,  004 ),  47.
 0. sexually propagated plants: Ibid.,  3 – 33 ; Debbie Barker, “Seed Giants
vs. U.S. Farmers,” Center for Food Safety, February  3 ,  0  3 , https://www 044  4 .pdf.
. patents as a threat to the food supply: “Chapter  7 —Plant Variety
Protection,” GPO, accessed December  0 ,  0  7 ,
/pkg/USCODE- 0  0 -title 7 /pdf/USCODE- 0  0 -title 7 -chap 7 -subchapI
-partA-sec 3 .pdf; Barker, “Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers.”
. When the bill was enacted: Philip Howard, Concentration and Power
in the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat (New York: Bloomsbury Aca-
demic,  0  6 ),  06.
 3. the smaller ones were gone: ERS, “The Seed Industry,”  6.
 4. fewer than a hundred remained: Ibid.,  06.
. a perfect herbicide: Stephen Duck and Stephen Powles, ”Glyphosate:
A Once-in-a-Century Herbicide,” Pest Management Science 64 , no. 4 ( 008 ):
3  9 – , 79  8 /PDF.
 6. once-in-a-century blockbuster: Duck and Powles, “Glyphosate”; for
more information see: John Franz, Michael Mao, and James Sikorski, Glypho-
sate: A Unique Global Herbicide, ACS Monograph Series no.  89 (Washington
DC: American Chemical Society,  997 ).
 7. a bacterium cell was patentable: “Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S.
303 ( 980 ),” JUSTIA, US Supreme Court, accessed December  0 ,  0  7 , https:
// 447 / 303 /case.html.
 8. no longer save and replant seeds: “ 98  Pat. App. Lexis , 7 U.S.P.Q.
BNA 443 ,”, accessed December  0 ,  0  7 , https://www.yumpu.

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