The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 8  Notes

com/en/document/view/ 36  808 / 98 -pat-app-lexis-- 7 -uspq-bna- 443

-schmeiser-; Barker, “Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers,” .
 9. the farmer agreed to pay all costs: “ 0  7 Monsanto Technology /
Stewardship Agreement (Limited Use License),” in “Monsanto  0  7 Technol-
ogy Use Guide,” Monsanto, accessed March  9 ,  0  8 ,
/app/uploads/ 0  7 / 0 / 0  7 _tug. 0  06  7 final.pdf.
30. Patent holders now determined: “Do Seed Companies Control GM
Crop Research?” (editorial), Scientific American, August ,  009 , https://www
research/; Nathanael Johnson, “Genetically Modified Seed Research: What’s
Locked and What Isn’t,” Grist, August ,  0  3 ,
3 . partial access for research: “Academic Research Agreements,”
Monsanto, April 7 ,  0  7 ,
/academic-research-agreements/; Barker, “Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers,”  9.
3 . dominated by three companies: Wayne Ma, “Five Things to Know
about ChemChina,” Wall Street Journal, February 3 ,  0  6 , https://blogs.wsj
.com/briefly/ 0  6 / 0 / 03 /-things-to-know-about-chemchina/.
33. none had absolute control: Jeremy Rifkin, The Zero Marginal Cost
Society: The Internet of Things, The Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of
Capitalism (New York: St. Martin’s Griffin,  0 ), 30 ; Richard Schlatter, Pri-
vate Property: The History of an Idea (New York: A. M. Kelley,  968 ), .
34. families starved and watched helplessly: Rifkin, The Zero Marginal
Cost Society,  9 – 33.
3 . the rich against the poor: Ibid., 3 .
36. return to aristocratic control: “Government Land Policy (Issue),”
Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History,, accessed No-
vember  0 ,  0  7 ,
nacs-transcripts-and-maps/government-land-policy-issue; “American Agri-
culture and the Development of a Nation’s Land Policy,” Center for Ag-
ricultural History and Rural Studies, Iowa State University, accessed No-
vember  0 ,  0  7 ,
37. web of loyalties and insider connections: Barry Lynn, Cornered: The
New Monopoly Capitalism and the Economics of Destruction (Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley,  0 ), Kindle edition,  87 – 89.
38. “the farm is a factory.”: Robert Moulton, “Is This the Biggest Farm
in the World?” Scientific American , no. 8 (August  3 ,  9  9 ),  83 , cited in:
Andrew Smith, Food in America: The Past, Present, and Future of Food, Farm-
ing, and the Family Meal (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO,  0  7 ), v. 3.
39. Wanting a larger factory: Moulton, “Is This the Biggest Farm?”

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