The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  9 

and Tobacco That Were Consumed at Home, by Selected Countries,  0  3 ,”
last modified October ,  0  7 ,
7. dead last in chronic maladies: HHS, “Health, United States,  0  4 ,”
no.  0 - 3 , May  0 , 97 , 4 .pdf.
8. more than half obese: Ibid., .
9. high-risk cholesterol levels: Ibid.,  0 .
 0. one of three cancer deaths: “Does Body Weight Affect Cancer Risk?”
American Cancer Society, last modified January 4 ,  0  8 , http://www.cancer
. Caucasian, college-educated: National Research Council, U.S. Health
in International Perspective.
. 1894 dietary recommendations: Frazão, “America’s Eating Habits,”
 3. importance of minerals: Ibid., 33 – 34 ; Derek Yach et al., “Preventive Nu-
trition and the Food Industry: Perspectives on History, Present, and Future
Directions,” in Adrianne Bendich and Richard Deckelbaum, eds., Preventive
Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals, 4 th ed. (New York:
Humana Press,  0  0 ), 778 – 80 ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), “Achievements in Public Health,  900 –  999 : Safer and Healthier
Foods,” MMWR 48 , no. 40 (October ,  999 ): 90 – 3 ,
/preview/mmwrhtml/mm 4840 a.htm.
 4. basic food groupings: Frazão, “America’s Eating Habits,” 3 – 36.
. more food of greater variety: Nestle, Food Politics, chap. .
 6. number of servings and serving sizes: Frazão, “America’s Eating Hab-
its,” 36 – 38 ; Nestle, Food Politics, 40.
 7. To reduce backlash: USDA and HHS, “Dietary Guidelines for Ameri-
cans,  980 .”
 8. cheaper per calorie than the fresh fruits and vegetables: Andrea
Carlson and Elizabeth Frazão, “Are Healthy Foods Really More Expensive?
It Depends on How You Measure the Price,” ERS, EIB- 96 , May  0 , https:
// 44678 / 9980 _eib 96 .pdf?v= 4  3 .
 9. open-heart bypass surgery: “Statistical Abstract of the United States:
 0 ,” US Census Bureau, Table  0 , 76 ,
/ 0  0 /compendia/statab/ 30 ed/tables/s 0  03 .pdf.
 0. surgeon general officially acknowledge: Kelly Brownell and Kather-
ine Horgen, Food Fight: The Inside Story of the Food Industry, America’s Obesity
Crisis, and What We Can Do about It (New York: McGraw-Hill,  004 ),  4 ;
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, “The Surgeon General’s

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