The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 96 Notes

Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity,  00 ,”
HHS,  00 ,
. a new cultural norm: “What Is Nutrition Transition?” Carolina Popu-
lation Center, accessed March ,  0  8 ,
trans/whatis. For more information, see: Daniel Ervin, David López-Carr,
Anna López-Carr, The Nutrition Transition, Oxford Bibliographies, last modi-
fied June ,  0  3 ,

  • 9780  9987400 /obo- 9780  9987400 - 0078 .xml.
    . all too happy to oblige: Michael Moyer, “Why Does Food Taste So
    Delicious?” Scientific American, September ,  0  3 , https://www.scientificameri; Shirlee Wohl, “The Ex-
    perience of Eating,” Yale Scientific, April 3 ,  0 ,
    / 0 / 04 /the-experience-of-eating/.
     3. chemicals like endorphins and dopamine: Paul Kenny, “Is Obesity
    an Addiction?” Scientific American, September ,  0  3 , https://www.scientific; David Kessler, The End of
    Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite (New York: Ro-
    dale,  009 ).
     4. cannot get through the day: “The Hartman Group’s Food & Beverage
    Culture Year in Review,  0  7 ,” Hartman Group, accessed March ,  0  8 , https:
    // 0  7 .pdf.
    . rotten bones of his children: George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier
    (New York: Mariner Books,  97 ), 83.
     6. stood at 120 pounds: George Bray and Barry Popkin, “Dietary Sugar
    and Body Weight: Have We Reached a Crisis in the Epidemic of Obesity and
    Diabetes?” Diabetes Care 37 , no. 4 ( 0  4 ), 9  0 –  6 , 0 . 337 /dc 3

  •  08 .
     7. new record for meat and poultry consumption: Mildred Haley, “U.S.
    Red Meat and Poultry Forecasts,” in “Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Out-
    look,” ERS, LDP-M- 8 , December  8 ,  0  7 , ,
    /webdocs/publications/ 8  473 /ldp-m- 80 .pdf?v= 430  6.
     8. double the recommended amount: USDA and HHS, “Dietary
    Guidelines for Americans,  0 – 0  0 ,” eighth edition, Table A 3 - , December
     0 , 8 , 0 /resources/ 0 - 0  0 _Diet
     9. human being is primarily a bag: Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier, 83.
    30. food products rolled out each year: ERS, “New Food and Beverage
    Product Introductions, By Product Type,  008 –  6 ,” last modified April ,
     0  7 ,

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