The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  97

3 . consumers coming back for more: Michael Moss, Salt Sugar Fat: How

the Food Giants Hooked Us (New York: Random House,  0  3 ), Introduction.
3 . tinkering with fat globules: Ibid.
33. three-quarters of products: Barry Popkin and Corinna Hawkes,
“Sweetening of the Global Diet, Particularly Beverages: Patterns, Trends,
and Policy Responses,” The Lancet 4 , no.  (February  0  6 ):  74 – 86 , https://doi
.org/ 0 . 0  6 /S 3 -  87 () 004  9 - .
34. three-quarters of dietary salt: Loren Cordain et al., “Origins and
Evolution of the Western Diet: Health Implications for the st Century,”
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 8 , no.  (February ,  00 ): 34 – 4 , https:
// 699  0.
3 . 300,000 edible species of plants: Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion of the United Nations, “Women: Users, Preservers and Managers of Agro-
biodiversity,”  999 ,;jsessionid
=BB 79 DFDED 4 EF 0 EAEAC 83 D 930 E 3 ?doi= 0 ... 39 . 60 &rep=rep
36. each went their separate ways: Moss, Salt Sugar Fat, Introduction.
37. the CEO was replaced: Ibid., chap. .
38. adding salt back into soup: Ibid., chap.  3.
39. “Taste is king.”: Annie Gasparro, “A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the
Sales Go Up: Cereal Makers Return to the Sweet Stuff,” Wall Street Journal,
April ,  0  8 ,
-sales-go-up-cereal-makers-return-to-the-sweet-stuff- 937066.
40. food consumers as confused: Jennifer Reingold, “PepsiCo CEO:
We’ve Never Seen Consumers So Confused,” Fortune, April  3 ,  0 , http://for- 0 / 04 / 3 /pepsico-ceo-weve-never-seen-consumers-so-confused/.
4 . renewed interest in labels: Sims, The Politics of Fat,  4 – 4 .
4 . All Bran cereal: Ibid.
43. FDA is mostly hands-off: US Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
“‘Natural’ on Food Labeling,” last modified November ,  0  7 , https://www
mation/LabelingNutrition/ucm 4  6090 .htm.
44. admitted no wrongdoing: Elaine Watson, “Settlement Fund in Ste-
via Deceptive Marketing Lawsuit Alleging Truvia Is Not ‘Natural’ Rises to
$6.m,” Food Navigator-USA, last modified December ,  0  4 , https://www 0  4 // 0 /Cargill-agrees-to- 6 .m-settle
4 . eat the entire contents: FDA, “Food Serving Sizes Get a Reality
Check,” last modified August  8 ,  0  6 ,
/ConsumerUpdates/ucm 386  03 .htm.

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