The Grand Food Bargain

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Notes 

2169  6 .pdf.
 1. first time since 2009 : FDA, “ 2  16 Summary Report on Antimicrobi-
als Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals,” December 2  17 ,
FeeActADUFA/UCM 88  8 .pdf.
 2. five times higher: “Comparison of UK and US Antibiotic Use by
Farm-Animal Species,” Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics, February 8 , 2  18 , http:
// 1789 /us-and-uk-antibiotic-use-compari
son-calculations- 8  218 .pdf.
. substances like nicotine sulfate: Smith, Food in America, vol. 1 , 28.
 4. fifty thousand different pesticides: Ibid.
. playing under a shower of DDT: Daniel Fairbanks, Evolving: The
Human Effect and Why It Matters (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, May
2  12 ), chap. 9 , Kindle edition.
 6. Believed to be safe: Smith, Food in America, vol. 1 , 28.
 7. DDT soon found other uses: Ibid., 97.
 8. warned in 1947 not to use DDT: Ibid., 28 – 29.
 9. safe enough to drink: Carey Gillam, Whitewash: The Story of a Weed
Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science (Washington, DC: Island Press),
4 . company wrote in its application: “Petition for Determination of
Non-regulated Status: Soybeans with a Roundup-Ready Gene, Monsanto # 9 -
 89 U,” Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, September 14 , 199 ,  6 , 9 _ 2  8  1 p.pdf.
41. refuge-crops requirements: Dominic Reisig, “Factors Associated
with Willingness to Plant Non-Bt Maize Refuge and Suggestions for Increas-
ing Refuge Compliance,” Journal of Integrated Pest Management 8 , no. 1 ( Janu-
ary 1 , 2  17 ), 1 – 1 , 1 . 1  9 /jipm/pmx 2.
42. glyphosate-resistant weed species: “Glyphosate Resistance in Weeds
in North America,” DuPont Pioneer, accessed March 2 , 2  18 , https://www.pio
4 . “restricted use.”: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Re-
stricted Use Products (RUP) Report,” accessed March 2 , 2  18 , https://www
44. over three million acres were affected: Dan Charles, “Monsanto At-
tacks Scientists after Studies Show Trouble for Weedkiller Dicamba,” The
Salt, National Public Radio, October 26 , 2  17 ,
/thesalt/ 2  17 / 1 / 26 / 97  8  7 /monsanto-and-the-weed-scientists-not-a-love

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