The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes 307 0  7 / 03 / 9 /us/politics/epa-insecticide-chlor
 6. vested interests will once again triumph: Dan Flynn, “ 9 th Circuit
Orders EPA to Stop ‘Stalling’ and Ban Ag Use of Popular Pesticide,” Food
Safety News, August  0 ,  0  8 , 0  8 / 08 / 9 th
 7. long-term effects remain unknown: CDC, “Dichlorodiphenyltrich-
loroethane (DDT) Factsheet,” last modified April 7 ,  0  7 ,
 8. Amazon rain forest: Jerry Shields, The Invisible Billionaire: Daniel
Ludwig (Boston: Houghton Mifflin,  986 ), .
 9. paid three million dollars: Ibid.,  9 .
60. plant trees like rows of corn: Ibid.,  87.
6 . plastic in soil: Sileshi Nugusu et al., “Studies on Foreign Body Inges-
tion and their Related Complications in Ruminants Associated with In-
appropriate Solid Waste Disposal in Gondar Town, North West Ethiopia,”
International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances , no.  ( 0  3 ): 67 – 74 ,- 67 - 74 .pdf.
6 . How carbon dioxide can retain heat: Naomi Oreskes and Erik Con-
w a y, Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on
Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming (New York: Bloomsbury Press,
 0  0 ), chap. 6.
63. humans are most responsible: William Anderegg et al., “Expert Credi-
bility in Climate Change,” PNAS  07 , no.  7 ( July  0  0 ):  07 – 9 ,
/ 0 . 073 /pnas. 003  87  07.
64. This is the site: EPA, “Learn about Dioxin,” accessed March  9 ,  0  8 ,
6 . The contamination extended: EPA, “Tittabawassee River, Saginaw
River & Bay, Midland, MI, Cleanup Activities,” accessed March  9 ,  0  8 , https:
.cleanup&id= 0  03  0.
66. physiologically tolerable limits: Bryson, A Short History,  46.

Chapter 11

. deadliest Atlantic hurricane: Neal Lott et al., “Hurricane Mitch: The
Deadliest Atlantic Hurricane since  780 ,” National Climatic Data Center, Na-
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, accessed March  0 ,  0  8 ,

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