The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes 309

mental Research Letters 8 , no. 3 (August  0  3 ): Table , http://iopscience.iop
.org/article/ 0 . 088 / 748 - 93  6 / 8 / 3 / 0340 /pdf.
. all the energy loses: Ibid.
. global obesity rates: WHO, “Obesity and Overweight, Fact Sheet.”
 3. rates are rising faster in children: The GBD  0  Obesity Collabo-
rators, “Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in  9  Countries over 
Years,” New England Journal of Medicine 337 , no.  ( July 6  0  7 ):  3 –  7 , http:
// 0 . 0  6 /NEJMoa 6  436 .
 4. Land used to raise animals: Jonathan Foley et al., “Solutions for a
Cultivated Planet,” Nature 478 (October  0 ): 337 – 4 , 0 . 038

/nature 04 .
. world’s largest consumer of water: Ibid.
 6. “Food for Peace”: Randy Schnepf, “U.S. International Food Aid Pro-
grams: Background and Issues,” Congressional Research Service, Septem-
ber  4 ,  0  6 , 4  07 .pdf.
 7. seven in ten farms: FAO, “The State of Food and Agriculture, Inno-
vation in Family Farming,”  0  4 , xi, 3 /a-i 4040 e.pdf.
 8. When a severe drought: Jeannie Sowers, John Waterbury, and Eck-
art Woertz, “Did Drought Trigger the Crisis in Syria?” Footnote, Septem-
ber ,  0  3 ,; John
Light, “Drought Helped Spark Syria’s Civil War—Is It One of Many Cli-
mate Wars to Come?” Moyers & Company, September 6 ,  0  3 , http://billmoy 0  3 / 09 / 06 /droughthelped-spark-syrias-civil-war-is-it-the-first-of
-many-climate-wars-tocome/; Clemens Breisinger, Olivier Ecker, and Jean
Francois Trinh Tan, “Conflict and Food Insecurity: How Do We Break the
Links?” in 2014 – 2015 Global Food Policy Report (Washington, DC,  0 ), In-
ternational Food Policy Research Institute, chap. 7 ,
/default/files/gfpr/ 0 /feature_ 3086 .html.
 9. the world’s subsistence farmers: Timothy Snyder, “Hitler’s World
May Not Be So Far Away,” The Guardian, September  6 ,  0 , https://www 0 /sep/ 6 /hitlers-world-may-not-be-so-far
 0. Nine in ten farms: Robert Hoppe, “America’s Diverse Family Farms,
 0  7 Edition,” ERS, EIB- 8 , December  0  7 ,
docs/publications/ 86  98 /eib- 8 .pdf?v= 43083.
. top 10 percent of family farms: Ibid.
. Seventy percent of farms: Ibid.
 3. begging door-to-door: Joel Berg, All You Can Eat: How Hungry Is
America? (New York: Seven Stories Press,  008 ), 60.
 4. until markets realigned themselves: Ibid., 6 – 6 .

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