The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 Notes

25. bridge across that chasm: Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), “A

Short History of SNAP,” USDA, November 28 , 2  7 , http://www.fns.usda
26. During the Great Depression: ERS, “Table 7 —Food Expenditures by
Families and Individuals as a Share of Disposable Personal Income,” in “Food
Expenditure,” last modified January 26 , 2  6 ,
27. unemployment peaked at 25 percent: US Census Bureau, “No. HS-
29. Employment Status of the Civilian Population:  929 to 2  2 ,” in “Statisti-
cal Abstract of the United States: 2 , Mini-Historical Statistics,” February
2 , https://www 2 2  4 /compendia/statab
/ 2 ed/hist/hs- 29 .pdf.
28. malnutrition from lack of food: “Too Fat to Fight: Retired Military
Leaders Want Junk Food out of America’s Schools,” Military Leaders for
Kids, April 8 , 2 , 2 ,

  • .pdf.
    29. National School Lunch Program: Ibid., 2.
    . The Food Stamp Act: FNS, “A Short History of SNAP.”
    . nutritionally adequate diet: “Chart Book: SNAP Helps Struggling
    Families Put Food on the Table,” Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Feb-
    ruary  4 , 2  8 ,-- 2 fa
    -chartbook.pdf; Steven Carlson, Dorothy Rosenbaum, and Brynne Keith-
    Jennings, “Who Are the Low-Income Childless Adults Facing the Loss of
    SNAP in 2  6 ?” CBPP, February 8 , 2  6 ,
    /files/atoms/files/ 2 - 8 -  6 fa.pdf.
     2. charitable food assistance: Janet Poppendieck, “Hunger in the United
    States: Policy Implications,” Nutrition  6 , nos. 7 & 8 ( July–August 2 ): 65 –
    5 ,. 6 /S 899 - 9  7 () 4 - 8 ; Bureau of Labor Statis-
    tics, “Volunteering in the United States, 2  4 ,” February 2  5 , http://www.bls
    . “If virtually nobody wants hunger: Poppendieck, “Hunger in the
    United States.”
     4. half-trillion SNAP dollars: FNS, “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
    Program Participation and Costs,  969 – 2  7 ,” April 6 , 2  8 , https://fns-prod; FNS, “Fiscal Year
    2  6 at a Glance, Number of Authorized Firms,” December  5 , 2  6 , https:
    // 2  6 -SNAP-Retailer-Man
     5. Walmart takes in: Heather Haddon and Jesse Newman, “Retailers
    Worry Food-Stamp Overhaul Will Hit Them Hard,” Wall Street Journal, last

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