ImagineFX - Issue 179

(coco) #1


Time for a masking fluid
I put a small amount of drawing gum on the areas that need to be protected,
such as the main characters and the highlights on the skull. Make sure you’re not
using your favourite working brush for the fluid, and clean it off quickly.


Adding details using a dry brush technique
I add dark tree branches and leaves to the arrangement while the surface is still slightly wet. Next, I create textures and interest with a dry
brush technique. My approach is to blot most of the paint on a paper towel, then flatten the point of the brush so that several lines can be drawn
at once. This enables me to quickly creates masses of texture within the composition.


Wet-on-wet technique
Using a flat brush, I cover the inner part of the
frame with clear water and wait a few seconds until it’s
ready. Using a mop and flat brushes, I lay down the dark-
valued intense paint, avoiding the focal area. I change the
angle of the paper surface relative to the light source, and
if it appears matt then it’s time to paint.

Traditional Artist Workshop

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