ImagineFX - Issue 179

(coco) #1


Making use of the Looseness tool and generating texture
When you’re zoomed into a model, you have various tools to choose from under the Tools menu. One of them is the Looseness tool, and
it’s only recently that I discovered how useful this tool is for giving objects more texture. The tool enables you to locally change the spacing
between so-called f lecks in your model. All elements in Dreams are covered by these f lecks, and their effects can range from a fluffy appearance
to a completely hard-surface look. By painting over your model with the Looseness tool set to a high value, you can smooth out rough edges or
give objects the impression of wear and tear.


Adding details to the wizard’s house
Next up we need elements such as fences in strategic positions, a small f light of stairs up to the little house and other minor details. I use a
combination of approaches, such as directly cloning items, or cloning and going into individual copies to alter details and break any repetitive
features. In this example, you can see how the f light of stairs is made up of just one stair element that I’ve cloned multiple times.

In depth Virtual reality

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