Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
13.1 discuss the management of net working capital
13.2 outline the issues underlying the management of cash
13.3 discuss the management of accounts receivable
13.4 identify the issues with respect to the management of inventories
13.5 compare the sources of short-term finance
13.6 compare the sources of long-term debt finance
13.7 explain equity finance instruments and their roles
13.8 discuss hybrid financial instruments
13.9 describe the use of international finance.


Financing the business


Chapter 13 preview

13.1 Managing net working capital

13.2 Managing cash

13.3 Managing accounts receivable

13.4 Managing inventories

13.5 Sources of short-term finance

13.6 Sources of long-term debt finance

13.7 Equity finance

13.8 Hybrid finance

13.9 International sources of funding

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