Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1
CHAPTER 14 Performance measurement 567

The directors of the company have decided to spend some time thinking about their strategy and
performance. They believe that the balanced scorecard framework will help them achieve their goals by
linking their vision, goals and processes to performance measures. The directors have determined that
their vision is: ‘To be known as the name synonymous with hats of quality, fun and distinctive appeal’.
They now need to develop goals, and the relevant measures and drivers, to support that vision (see
table 14.1).

TA BLE  14.1 Fun Hats Company — balanced scorecard measures and drivers

Goals Measures Drivers

  1. Financial perspective
    shareholder value

Economic value added •   Divisional profit
Market profitability • Contribution margin per product and
contribution per customer group
Cash flow • Debtors turnaround
Increase market

Market share •   New     markets    obtained
• New customers obtained

  1. Customer
    Increase customer


Customer satisfaction measure •  Number of   customer   complaints
• Customer satisfaction survey
New products Percentage of sales from new

•    Number of   new     products

New customers Percentage of sales from new

•    Number of   new     customers

  1. Internal operations
    Decrease customer
    response time

Customer response time •     Number of   steps  from     customer   order
to delivery
• Delivery time
Improve quality Spoilage and rework
(in dollars)

•    Defective  units   produced
• Time spent on rework
Quality training and documentation• Update manuals
• Number of employees undertaking quality
Reduce stock

Raw materials inventory
(in dollars)

•    Number of   suppliers
• Number of supplier agreements
Finished goods inventory (in dollars) • Warehouse utilisation

  1. Innovation and improvement

Employee satisfaction survey •   Employee   benefits,   facilities  and  challenges
Employee suggestions • Number of employee suggestions
Employee performance • Number of employees receiving bonuses
Enhance training
and development

Develop skills and knowledge •   Number of   employees  attending   training

The measures and drivers are used to monitor the progress towards the goals, and they should be

communicated throughout the entity. The measure is sometimes referred to as a key performance out-

come (KPO) and helps convey how successfully managers have achieved the stated goal. Drivers are

more operational in nature and help ascertain what will influence the measure. For example, the number

of new customers obtained will help drive the market share measure. The measures and drivers are

two types of key performance indicator (KPI), which is a performance measure that is critical to the

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