Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1

586 Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making

FIGURE 14.7 (continued)


and fees Bonus Other^1 Superannuation

payments^2 Total
Group executives
R. Murray, CEO
S. Browning,
left 17 Feb 2015
C. Trainor, Merchandise
P. Green, Operations
G. Papadopoulos,
left 17 Feb 2015
N. Wells, CFO
T. Carter, On-line and
Commercial Manager

1 041 813
390 478

754 985

487 752

314 251

278 539
262 500

523 144

411 856

223 734

123 776
123 776

28 187
614 105

33 000

20 000

440 940

20 000
16 154

30 000
16 058

35 000

30 000

16 058

26 461
24 231

381 122
(221 402)

(479 860)

(257 085)

(166 190)

(98 185)
30 895

2 004 266
799 239

1 714 701

1 018 571

605 059

546 961
457 556

3 530 318 1 406 286 1 172 386 177 808 859 555 7 146 353
4 332 490 1 406 286 1 172 386 265 636 859 555 8 036 353

(^1) Car allowances except for S. Browning and G. Papadopoulos where it includes payments on termination.
(^2) Performance based.
Source: JB Hi-Fi Ltd 2015, annual report, p. 37.
JB Hi-Fi Ltd, Australia’s largest home entertainment retailer, evaluates its executive compensation on comparative
positions in similar companies and industries.
• The performance of divisional units of a business can be further evaluated on an individual level.
• Individual performance measures are designed to capture performance on multiple tasks, individual

and team-based rewards, and short- and long-term rewards.

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