Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1

592 Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making

d. JB Hi-Fi Ltd reported in its 2015 preliminary final report (p. 31) an increase in share-

holder value as follows. Compare the EVA computed in part (c) with the shareholder
value computed by JB Hi-Fi Ltd. Comment on the difference. 3 marks

2015 2014


Consolidated sales ($m)
Consolidated profit attributable to members of the parent entity ($m)
Basic earnings per share (cents)
Shareholder value created:
Company share price at the end of the reporting period ($)
Market capitalisation ($m)
Enterprise value(i)
Movement in enterprise value during the financial year ($m)
Dividends paid to shareholders during the financial year ($m)
Off market buy-back

3 625.1

1 928.3
2 018.7

3 483.8

1 810.7
1 946.9
Shareholder value created(ii)

  • per annum ($m) 163.9 329.7

  • cumulative 2 561.2 2 397.4

(i) Enterprise value is measured as the sum of market capitalisation and net debt.
(ii) Shareholder value created is measured as the increase in the enterprise value, plus cash dividends paid during the
financial year.
Source: JB Hi-Fi Ltd 2015, preliminary final report.

e. Figure 14.7 in this chapter lists the company’s executive compensation for 2015. Does the

type of executive compensation align with the company’s focus on creating shareholder
value? Explain your answer. 2 marks

Self-evaluation activities

14.1 The Hackett family has been in the printing business for three generations. The Hackett family

prides itself on knowing the industry and being at the forefront of technological advances. This
technological edge has helped maintain its name as the business leader in printing services.
However, it has not always been profitable, and throughout the years the focus on the technology
has sometimes overridden the need to be cost effective and efficient. The business also places
high importance on customer satisfaction, as repeat business and word of mouth advertising help
maintain sales levels. It is also mindful of its environmental and community obligations.

To remain competitive, the Hackett family has sought your help in designing a performance

framework to capture the key factors that drive its success. You are required to draw up a balanced
scorecard that will help the Hackett family focus.


Goals Measures Drivers

  1. Financial perspective
    Improve overall financial


Profitability •  Divisional profit
Cash flow • Debtors turnaround
• Inventory (in dollars)
Cost efficiency Labour costs • Employee hours
Raw material cost • Value of raw material
• Number of different inventory items
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