Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making

(Ron) #1

598 Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making


14.38 Balanced scorecard  LO1

The four perspectives of the balanced scorecard are internal operations, innovation and improve-
ment, financial and customer. A list of objectives/goals and measures are presented below. Match
each goal with one of the four perspectives, and then match each measure with the most appro-
priate goal.

Goals Measures

  • Develop employee skills

  • Increase shareholder value

  • Increase market share

  • Introduce new products

  • Improve manufacturing quality

  • Improve technological edge

  • On-time delivery by suppliers

  • Improve sales per customer/customer group

  • Decrease rework time

  • Improve community engagement

  • Diversify workforce

  • Reduction of energy use

    • ROI

    • Product cost per unit

    • Profit per sales person

    • Statistics on gender, race and age of workforce

    • Training hours per employee

    • Percentage of on-time deliveries

    • Customer profitability

    • Number of patents

    • Energy costs

    • Employee turnover rate

    • Earnings per share

    • Number of rework hours

    • Profit margin

    • Percentage of defective products

    • Number of new customers

    • Technological comparison with competitors

    • Number of volunteer hours

14.39 EVA  LO3

The balance sheet and statement of profit or loss for Coconut Plantations Pty Ltd are presented below.

Coconut Plantations Pty Ltd
Balance sheet as at 31 December 2018

Current assets
Accounts receivable

$ 59 310
145 000
170 000
25 000
399 310
Non-current assets (net)
Plant and equipment
Office equipment

440 000
15 000
455 000
Total assets $ 854 310
Current liabilities
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Income tax payable

78 000
5 000
100 950
183 950
Non-current liabilities
Loan 120 000
Total liabilities 303 950
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