Windows Help & Advice - UK (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1
One-shot filters that
will radically change
your image’s
colours, contrast etc.
Can be built up
using layers.

Luminar spreads its
tools all over, but
import and export
are still on the File
menu, and Undo on
the Edit menu.

Layer masks
If you only want a Look to apply to part of an image, use a
Mask. Above, we’ve used the AI Image Enhancer on the
background image, then created a new Adjustment Layer which
has the Classic B&W Look applied. By dropping down Edit Mask
from the Layer, we’ve used the brush to paint over the figure on
the right, meaning only she has become black and white.

Crop, rotate, clone
basic editing tools are available from the Tools button at the
top right. Cropping and rotating works much as it does in any
other app. Erase lets you paint over objects that are then removed
from the picture and the background filled in. It sometimes leaves
a smeary pattern behind, which you can deal with using Clone,
where you sample an area of the image and use it to paint with.

7 Edits
Along the right-hand side of the interface are the Edits,
which you can build up on a single layer or apply to Adjustment
Layers depending on how you like to work. These include more
controllable versions of B&W conversion and AI enhancement,
including AI enhancers for portraits, landscapes and skies. Noise
can be reduced and details brought out, all controlled via sliders,.

Further Edits
Edits can be turned off using a switch at the top of their
respective panels, and reset with an arrow next to the switch. The
Portrait Enhancer, in the Portrait subset, can identify the face in
your image and apply itself there, brightening it up against a dark
background, or slimming the face and enlarging the eyes for a
caricatured look. All these Edits can be applied as a painted mask. Images : Artem Beliaikin on Pexels

28 |^ |^ December 2019

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