Vanity Fair UK - 10.2019

(Grace) #1

My head is too big; it’s an inconvenience. Which living
person do you most despise? Donald Trump. If your
answer is not Donald Trump, you’ve answered this incor-
rectly. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
“Fuck” and “shit” and “fuckingshit.” What is your great-
est regret? Not doing better in school and not taking
advantage of what I could have learned there...very closely
followed by never learning to dance. What or who is the
greatest love of your life? Work was my first love, but
thankfully it’s been replaced by my wife and son. When
and where were you happiest? Knicks vs. Lakers at
Madison Square Garden during Linsanity. Which talent
would you most like to have? I wish I was great at bas-
ketball. Basically I wish I had the talent to be an Asian
Zion Williamson. What is your current state of mind?
Shit never gets easier. It just keeps getting harder and
weirder. If you could change one thing about yourself,
what would it be? Learning to appreciate what I have. If
you could change one thing about your family, what

would it be? I wish that immigrating to the States had
been easier on my parents. What do you consider your
greatest achievement? I’m still here. If you were to

die and come back as a person or thing, what do you
think it would be? Karma’s going to make sure I come
back as a lobster—I’ve cooked too many. If you could
choose what to come back as, what would it be? Bob
Dylan. What is your most treasured possession? My
passport. Having lost three, I know it’s a nightmare to
replace. What do you regard as the lowest depth of
misery? Sitting at a desk job heading toward mediocrity.
Where would you like to live? Wherever the weather
suits my clothes. What is your favorite occupation?
Wrought iron worker or a blacksmith. Jobs that will never
be cool. What is your most marked characteristic?
Unfortunately, a quick temper and a foul mouth. What
do you most value in your friends? Honesty. Who are
your favorite writers? David Foster Wallace, Ray Monk,
David Halberstam, Kay Redfield Jamison, Anthony Bour-
dain. Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Sisyphus.
Who are your heroes in real life? My mom. What are
your favorite names? Aloysius. What is it that you most
dislike? Formal wear and occasions that require it. How
would you like to die? Doing something heroic. What is
your motto? “Save something for the swim back.”

hat is your idea of perfect happiness? Good TV, good delivery, perfect
AC. Literally doing nothing. What is your greatest fear? Figuratively doing
nothing. Which historical figure do you most identify with? Admiral Yi Sun-

sin. Which living person do you most admire? My wife, Grace. What is the trait you

most deplore in yourself? My intense self-loathing. What is the trait you most

deplore in others? Unwillingness to change. What is your greatest extravagance?

Saltwater fly fishing—finding the most remote places to fish and the time to go. What

is your favorite journey? Being a dad for the first time. What do you consider the

most overrated virtue? Patience. On what occasion do you lie? When I tell myself or

others that I’m going to work out. What do you dislike most about your appearance?


The Momofuku chef/founder
and host of Netflix’s docuseries Breakfast,
Lunch & Dinner chews on karma,
patience, and dance lessons







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