3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
3D WorlD June 2018 33 http://www.youtube.com/3dworld

Star Trek: Discovery

3D WorlD June 2018 33 http://www.youtube.com/3dworld

Starfleet science officer
Airiam played by Sara Mitich is a
synthetic-human hybrid. “They
wanted somebody who was an
augmented human with robotic-
type features, which is a concept
designer’s dream,” states Page. “It’s
about sustaining the femininity.
Airiam is an evolution of Airam,
which is Ai for artificial intelligence
and ram for random access
memory. Spelt backwards it’s Maria
which is the name of the robot from
Metropolis.” The greatest challenge
was how to execute a form-fitting,
extraordinarily tight make-up that
looks like a hard shell. “I had my
guys run the entire facial appliance
in white silicone,” remarks Hetrick.
“We were able to hide the white
edges by having her lips go under
the facial appliance that goes right
to the edge of her lip.”
A digitally created aquatic
mammal makes for a surreal
moment. “An alien that I loved was
loosely called ‘the space whale’
which they bring onto the cargo
bay,” reveals Page. “There’s no
organic creature that would ever
float in space to our knowledge
so when that was given to me as a
challenge I ate it up. How do I make

sense of that and create attributes
that make it viable as an alien
creature? Everything was figured
out about its diet, reproduction
propensity and the ability to
navigate in space.” A kaleidoscopic
folding effect was created for
when the Discovery travels at
warp speed. “The showrunners
and executive producers had that
idea well in advance,” explains
Zimmerman. “Then we went
about figuring out, what does this
look like, and how do we make
something we can do on a weekly
basis? We started with concepts
from the art department, worked
on a bunch of different ideas, and
narrowed it down from there.”
One of the heaviest visual effects
shots was when the de-cloaking
Klingon cleave ship slices the USS
Europa in half. “We only had a few
weeks to finish that sequence and
that was part of the Comic-Con

trailer as well,” remarks Rahnama.
“Our effects artists came up with
a procedural way of creating metal
tearing and from that you get
sparks, fire and explosions.”
Glenn Hetrick is part of the Star
Trek loyal fanbase. “The passion for
the franchise creates an impetus in
the level of design and the physical
work that we’re doing on Star Trek:
Discovery.” Mission accomplished
for Zimmerman. “Every episode
has something in there that we’re
proud of. It’s such a big show from
a historical standpoint in terms of
what it means to visual effects and
sci-fi. It’s a team effort. All of the
departments brought a passion and
energy to this that I don’t think I
have ever experienced working
on a show before. Having an ability
to be part of that has been truly
an honour.”


Find out more at http://www.

Neville Page stands
beside Justin
Howell wearing
the Torchbearer
suit which was
constructed by
using 3D printing

“Our Torchbearer suit was a wonderful
marriage of two different skillsets with me
being from the automotive industry and
industrial design, and Glenn coming from
the practical make-up industry,” notes lead
creature designer Neville Page. “We were
both rifting off of one another on how we
could push the envelope of development.
I wanted something that felt like Spanish
armour because we wanted the Klingons
to look that sophisticated.” ZBrush allowed
numerous intricate details to be incorporated
into the design. “We scanned the life cast so
Neville could break apart and model each
piece so that it was printable,” states head
of prosthetics and special effects make-up
Glenn Hetrick. “This copy of a body scan
of a performer was covered head-to-toe in
hard 3D surface prints that fit together. Then
we started cutting it apart into pieces and
moulding it as separate elements.”

Piece of MinD

designing a suiT for The Torchbearer,
a ceremonial posiTion requiring armour
ThaT can funcTion in ouTer space

“iT’s such a big show in Terms of whaT

iT means To visual effecTs anD sci-fi”

Jason Zimmerman, production visual effects supervisor

all images copyright © 2017 cbs i

nteractive. a

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star Trek: Discovery
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