3D World

(Sean Pound) #1

15 tips for working smarter in Maya


enable autosave
We all know how unstable
these programs can be and there is
nothing worse than Maya crashing,
only to realise you were so involved
with your work that you didn’t save.
Autosave is here to help so make
sure you enable it under Windows>
and then inside Files/Projects.
What I also do is specify a
generic autosave folder where all
my files will go, so that I can easily
clean them up when they are no
longer needed.


ignore File version
While we are in the same
menu (Windows>Settings/
Projects), be sure to also glance
down and enable Ignore Version.
This will make it possible for you
to load files from other versions of
Maya, without getting a frustrating
error message.
This has been in Maya for a
while now and was a long overdue
feature. Previously we had to resort
to editing the file header to force
the file to open, which wasn’t fun.


upDate unDo
When I install a fresh version
of Maya and don’t copy across my
previous configuration (handy to do
every now and then), there are a few
settings I change immediately. One
of these is the Undo settings. There
have been too many instances when
I needed to undo more times than
was set by default.
To change your Undo settings,
head over to Windows>Settings/
Preferences>Preferences, and
under Undo set the queue to
Infinite or increase the Queue Size
depending on the system you are
working on.


DeFine a project
anD hierarchy
When you begin working on a new
project it’s a good idea to start
by setting it up correctly, so Maya
will know where to store files and
where to look for things. First go
to File>Set Project and specify a
destination folder.
Next go to File>Project Window
and define the folder structure you
want to use. Click Accept and Maya
will create this structure for you and
keep all your files tidy.
What’s more, using a defined
project and hierarchy will help
when you need to quickly share
that project, as everything will be
in one place. Maya will look locally
for files, saving you the trouble of
fixing the paths.


ctrl anD spacebar
As you work, you may find
that the UI gets cluttered with
various windows, ultimately making
the panel you’re working in too
small. A quick way to regain focus is
to hit Ctrl and Space.
What this will do is close all the
tabs, hide the shelf and make

Hidden away inside
Maya are countless
ways to improve your
workflow, and once
you discover them
they are sure to boost
your productivity

“Be sure to enABle Ignore

VersIon. tHIs wIll MAke

It possIBle For you to

lo Ad FIles FroM otHer

VersIons oF MAyA, wItHout

An error MessAge”

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