3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
Model and animate in VR

work across
layers (2)
Now instead of
painting each layer
at a time, you just
select in all layers at
the same time. Now
you’re able to use the
Recolour tool to paint
across all selected
elements, regardless
of their layer. This also
works for animated
layers: just run the
animation and keep
the right trigger held
down for the duration
of it. This then selects
elements across layers
and frames and allows
you to recolour, nudge
or duplicate with


BasIc DrawIng tools
The tools I’m using most are
the Capped Cylinder brush, the
Ribbon brush and the Cube brush.
The Line tool is a bit different, since
it retains its thickness when you
zoom in and out.
All tools have a toggle for
transparency and shape, which
can be set to either auto or trigger
sensitive. There’s also a toggle
called Directional Opacity, which
makes the stroke transparent or
opaque based on the direction
you’re seeing it from. You can also
set the opacity for all strokes.
In the basic tool menu you also
have a grid, grid helper (wireframe
to make it easier to understand the
depth of the stroke) and camera
controls for setting camera home
position or resetting the camera.
You can select the colour of your
stroke in either the Colour menu,
or by clicking the B button on your
right controller.


The Recolour tool is one of
my most-used tools. It basically
does what it says, in the way that
it enables you to recolour strokes
and to paint in shadows, highlights
and the like. It either works on the
selection you have at the moment
or on the whole active layer. This
means that even though you have
a layer with a lot of different details
on it, you can still very easily go
in and select elements to colour
individually. If you are familiar with
Photoshop, the colour blend modes
of the Recolour tool should be
familiar to you.


Using the Selection tool
a single blade of grass can be
transformed into a field in a matter
of seconds. To switch to the tool,
either press the Selection tool icon
in the Tool menu, or switch to it by
pressing the X button on your left-
hand controller. You’re then able
to select strokes by holding down
the left trigger when you hover over
that stroke. If you keep it pressed
down you can select multiple
strokes in a row. Release the trigger
to confirm the selection. After that
a half-pressed right trigger will
add additional elements to your
selection; if you push it all the way
down you’ll start a new selection. If
you need to increase the size of the
selection sphere, just push up or
down on your right thumbstick.
To subtract from your selection,
press the left trigger or hold it down
while drawing over the strokes you
want to deselect.


DuplIcate selectIon
Once you’ve made a selection,
it’s very easy to duplicate it. Just
hold down your left trigger and
right grip button while dragging the
selection. Once you let go of your
trigger, you’ll have a duplicate. You
can scale a duplicate up and down
while dragging by pushing the right
thumbstick up or down.


IMport your MoDel
Now that we have the most
important basics down, it’s time
to import our model to Quill. Go
to the Layers menu, and press the
little Wireframe box. Navigate to

the folder you exported to, in our
case the documents/masterpiecevr/
exports folder. Once you’ve
imported the model, you might
have to scale it up or down to make
it fit in your view. To scale only the
model, remember to push the
little Transform ‘plus’ next to the
layer name. When that is on, only
the active layer is transformed. To
edit the model settings, go into
the Layers menu and push the box
next to the layer name. Here you
can turn off wireframe display and
switch between lit and unlit mode.
If your model doesn’t contain vertex
colour, you can also select a colour
for it here.


aDD a new layer anD
Draw DetaIls
Once you’ve gotten your model
into Quill, it’s time to start painting
over it a bit to make it fit into the

08 09

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