3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
Master large-scale environments


aDD variation to ProceDural objects
Just like the building’s cladding, this boardwalk
mustn’t look too perfect. Add some chaos to the planks
using the transform randomisation features found in the
Segment node’s settings. You should also randomise
the textures used on each plank, but instead of using a
modifier, you can use RailClone Color which retains full
instancing and has other advanced options.


create the boarDwalK
The boardwalk is also created with RailClone. Draw a spline above the
terrain to describe the centre of the path. Several plank models are distributed
along the spline using a one-dimensional array with a Randomise operator.
A second one-dimensional generator distributes the posts at evenly spaced
intervals. The Generator’s Mirror and Y Offset options are used to copy and
move the array to both sides of the path, and a Surface node is added to both
generators so that the boardwalk follows the topology of the landscape.


source Plants anD other assets
The vegetation used in the scene comes from a mixture of library
models and bespoke plants created using SpeedTree. Landscape artists
often ask themselves how many plant models they need to create believable
variation. It’s not really the number but the differences between the models
that’s important. You can hide a lot of repetition by simply randomising
rotation and scale. Ideally, you should only include additional variations of a
plant species if they look sufficiently different to justify the extra resources.


scatter the trees
After you’ve added the main compositional
elements it’s usual to work from large to small elements.
The trees occupy the largest area, so create those first by
adding a new Forest Pack object that uses the terrain as
a surface. Add the tree models to the geometry list and
enable Rotation and Scale randomisation. A scale range
between 50 and 150% will disguise repetition effectively.


remove trees From the scatter
The trees are also scattered inside the buildings, on
the boardwalk and in the lake. Draw closed splines from
the top view and add them to the Forest Pack object’s
Areas list. Set the mode to Exclude and the items inside
the splines will be removed. Remove trees from under the
power lines by adding the spline used by the RailClone
object to the Areas list and increasing Thickness.


create grass Patches
Small plants and ground-cover vegetation are normally modelled as
individual plants. If we were to scatter individual plants in this scene, it would
take over 6.5 million of them to fill the desired area. The solution is to use two
Forest Pack objects, one to create a small patch of grass, and a second to
distribute the patch on the terrain. To create a patch, use a small circular spline
one metre or more in diameter as an Area to scatter grass with Forest Pack.
Use the area’s Density Falloff to thin out the scatter as it approaches the spline.
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