3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
Master large-scale environments


aDD lights to the boarDwalK
The final Forest Pack object adds light geometry to cables strung along
the boardwalk. In the top view, draw a zigzagging renderable spline between
the posts. Divide all the spline segments in half and lower the new vertices
slightly to create downward curves as though the cable is affected by gravity.
Create a new Forest Pack object and add light geometry and transform
randomisation. To array these lights along the spline use Path Distribution
mode and set the distance between the lights using the Spacing value.


Paint the reeDs
We can hand-paint areas using Forest Pack. Here
we’ll create a new Forest object to add reeds. Go to the
Areas rollout and add a new Paint area. Click the button
to activate Paint mode then click and drag on the terrain.
It’s important to understand that you’re only painting
an area – the plugin remains fully parametric so you can
adjust geometry, density and randomisation at any time.


scatter the Patches
Next, create a second Forest Pack object using
the terrain as a surface and add the patch to the Items
list. Add Exclude splines to remove grass from inside the
buildings, on the lake bed and under the boardwalk, as
well as creating clearings. A grid-like appearance can
sometimes be visible – to break this up, add Translation
randomisation as well as the usual Rotation and Scale.


cull items that aren’t visible
There’s little sense in wasting resources calculating
items that aren’t seen in the final render. Go to the
Camera rollout and enable Limit to Visibility and Auto
Assign to Active View to use the current camera to
remove items that aren’t visible. If you still need some
items to be retained for reflections, you can extend the
scatter beyond the frustum slightly using Expand.


aDD layers oF grounD cover
Realistic ground cover is achieved by mixing several
layers of plants to add visual complexity. Using the same
optimisation tricks as the grass, create new Forest Pack
objects for long grass, dead leaves, sticks and twigs,
mushrooms and tall weeds. Create believable interaction
between the layers by drawing unique Exclude areas and
experimenting with different distribution maps.


Place grass arounD the boarDwalK
Grass grows taller around the boundaries of objects where it cannot be
trampled or cut. Create a new Forest Pack object to add long grass and weeds
around the boardwalk. Add the same spline used by the RailClone style to
the Forest Pack object’s Areas list and set the mode to Include. Increase the
Thickness until the grass area is slightly wider than the boardwalk. Then, to
remove the grass from under the boardwalk itself, add the same spline again,
set mode to Exclude and change Thickness to roughly the width of the planks.

streamline the
Forest Pack ui
To customise the
Forest Pack UI to suit
your workflow you
can enable or disable
individual rollouts from
the General settings.
In addition, anywhere
you see a double arrow
(>>) the content can
be collapsed in order
to streamline the
interface even further.
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