3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
Spot lights


f you’re new to CGI, you may
feel that there are far too
many tools to choose from in
a dizzying array of software. This
series aims to break everything
in CGI down to the very basics,
so that every artist can be armed
with the knowledge of which tool
is best. We continue our look at
lighting this issue with spot lights.
Spot lights have been around
since the start of computer image
creation. As the name suggests,
they take their influence from
spot lights in the theatre or a film
stage. Spot lights can be directed
in a much more predictable
way than other light types, and
therefore offer a wide range of
creative possibilities.
In the past few years image-
based lighting and area lights
have become more commonly

used due to the increase of
computer power, which has meant
that spot lights are determined
by many artists to be a potentially
more primitive tool.
While there is some truth
to this in terms of how a spot
light works, they can still be an
incredibly powerful tool. This is
due to their longevity, as many of
the more established 3D software
packages have used spot lights to
mimic lighting effects, so that they
can be used as projectors and
negative light sources. A negative
light source is when a light can be
inverted to make dramatic lighting
on the focus object of a scene,
just as a director of photography
would do on a film set.
Dependant on the 3D software
used, spot lights can have barn
doors which again can help focus

Mike Griggs
Mike Griggs is a 3D and
visual effects artist
with vast experience
across the industry, as
both a creator and a
technical writer.


lights on just the objects that
matter, providing greater control
over the lighting in a scene.
Another main use of spot
lights is to drive volumetric
effects in order to create literal
atmosphere in a scene. With the
precise control that a spot light
offers both in edge diffusion, light
falloff and start and end diameter
can make them a very versatile
volumetric object.
A key benefit of spot lights
is that they are predictable, as
practically every 3D application
has them and they can be easily
converted from application to
application with minimal fuss.
While it may be long in the
tooth, the spot light should not be
ignored as a creative tool. Here
we explore how to best use them
in your own projects.

Master spot LIghts

Spot lights are a multi-use tool for creating lighting effects

3D essentials

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