3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
Houdini Engine


MAke A Subnet
When the Houdini content is working in a style that is ready
to be used by Houdini Engine, make sure to package up all of the
required assets into a subnet. Do this by selecting every node
required in the node view and then pressing the Subnet button,
which looks like an open cardboard box in the top of the Node Tree
pallet. This collapses everything into one node which can then be
renamed to suit.


build An ASSet in houdini
To create an asset that can be shared with Houdini there is
no special preparation required. Just build up the asset you need,
in this case a simple dynamic system with a torus and a grid. Even
though the applications that Houdini Engine links to may have similar
functions, the depth and speed of the Houdini toolset allows more
creative control than could be possible in the Houdini Engine host
applications alone.


define pArAMeterS
Once the digital asset has been created, it is time for the most
powerful part of the process: the creation of user-specific controls.
If the Asset view is not open right-click on the Asset node in the
Node view, select Type Properties and then choose the Parameters
tab. In the Existing Parameters, select them all and click the Invisible
checkbox and press Apply. This clears all the input parameters from
the Asset Properties.


CreAte A diGitAl ASSet to ShAre
When the subnet has been renamed, right-click on it in the
node tree and then select Create Digital Asset. This then opens up a
dialogue box which allows the specifying of the asset name, its label
and where the file is to be stored. This can be either in the Houdini
Asset directory if it is likely to be used as a tool frequently for
other projects, or within the project files folder, dependant on the
workflow required.


Apply pArAMeterS
Now that the digital asset has been cleared of the default
parameters, bespoke ones can be added by going into the various
nodes within the subnet, and dragging the chosen parameters into
the Existing Parameters list in the Type Properties palette. Hit the
Apply button to make sure the parameters are appearing as they
should. When all the required parameters are created press Accept
to update the digital asset file.


iMport the houdini enGine file
In Maya go to the Houdini Engine menu (check the Plug-in
Manager if it is not available) and select Load Asset. Navigate to the
digital asset file and load it into Maya. A new object loads which,
when selected in the Attribute Editor, has the same bespoke control
parameters as were created in Houdini. Houdini Engine is running
a unique instance of Houdini in the background, allowing Maya to
utilise the full power of Houdini in its viewport. •
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