3D World

(Sean Pound) #1
Artist q&A
Your CG problems solved

but then obviously the computer will
begin to slow as your hardware eventually
reaches its limits.
As a result, it is good practice to be
aware of which areas in your model might
require less detail than others and to then
manage your scene accordingly. Generally
speaking, objects closer to the camera
will require more detail than those further
away in the background. So with that said,
creating highly detailed trees and bushes
that could appear in the mid or foreground
of a scene might involve making thousands
of leaf copies.

HoW can I make DetaIleD

anD customIseD sHrubs?

Elisa Grant, London


Occasionally I might be asked
to create an illustrative image
where boxy and textured geometry
might be the way to go when it comes
to representing trimmed and shaped
organic forms, like hedges and shaped
trees. But instead of attempting to paint
a representation onto solid geometry,
more often than not, a better result can be
achieved by instead modelling up all the
small details.
This of course can apply to any digital
modelling really (depending on the level of
reality you are trying to achieve of course),

Simon Edwards replies


[email protected]


Practical tips and tutorials from

pro artists to improve

your CG skills

Simon Edwards
Simon works freelance at
3DArtvision. He has worked
professionally both as an architectural
visualiser and 3D artist for 20 years in
Holland and the UK.

Antony Ward
Since the early 90’s Antony
has worked for many of
today’s top game and VFX studios, as well
as written three technical manuals and
many online tutorials.

Maya Jermy
Maya is a 3D artist and
animator based in the UK.
She started her career five years ago
remaking and animating characters for
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ‘n’ Tasty.
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