3D World

(Sean Pound) #1

I took a job as an intern on the night shift at
a post-production house. It gave me access
to the latest tech along with some exposure
to the senior artists’ work. This opportunity
was the best I could have hoped for at the
time. All the interns on the night shift were
wild artists looking to catch a break with the
day shift team, and to prove themselves as
key components to the company. Not long
after, I became a junior Flame artist and
was astonished by how fast and powerful
the tool was. I was obsessed with the
different techniques it could achieve. All the
knowledge I picked up led to more work,

higher-profile clients and endless nights of
iterations with creative minds. It was then
that I realised, ultimately, the background
you bring with you to your work will be
what defines you as an artist. It’s what
makes you unique.
Even without formal training in VFX,
your interest in nature, photography,
computers, art or wherever your interests
lie, will be your route to expressing yourself
creatively. Learning the tools will come as
an extension of your interests, and hopefully,
you will find yourself doing what you love.
In my case it’s creating images that tell

“The background ThaT you bring wiTh you To your work will

be whaT defines you as an arTisT. iT’s whaT makes you unique.

wherever your inTeresTs lie will be your rouTe To expressing

yourself creaTively” Joao Sita, visual effects supervisor

stories. This interest needs to come from
within. I would recommend anyone accept a
place on an internship where the organisers
appreciate the time, effort and creativity
that went into your reel and can see your
enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
It’s incredibly important for artists to
self-learn. This is the only way they can
explore, experiment and get hands-on
experience wherever they can. Only those
who go above and beyond the curriculum
will really discover their true potential.


Joao Sita has a career in the visual
effects industry spanning 15 years. He
joined the Academy Award-nominated studio
Image Engine in 2012 and in that time has
worked on Detroit, Assassin’s Creed and
Jurassic World. He is currently Image
Engine’s visual effects supervisor on the
upcoming Netflix series Lost in Space.

Joao’s work in Jurassic World involved making sure
that the film’s velociraptors were fully believable

Joao Sita
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