3D World

(Sean Pound) #1

In the vault



Get your project made
In this exclusive video from THU TV, producer and director Brad Lewis shares his thoughts on how to get an
animated film made. An insightful talk, given with conviction and real Hollywood experiences.

bootcamp – houdini enGine
In this issue’s bootcamp, Mike shows you how to use
Houdini Engine, to bring proceduralism to your app.

animate in Vr
VR artist Martin Nebelong shows you how to take VR
a step further by adding animation to your scenes.

Follow the link to download your free files


Video &


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from this issue’s video
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    resources to find the video
    and files you want

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ViDeo: Get the video
tutorials for a selection
of this issue’s training

Files: Download the
high-resolution tutorial
assets for all of our training


vIdeo + step Images vIdeo + step Images

This issue we have a
free video course
from Learn Squared,
teaching futuristic
character design
Free download pdf