Commercial Design | September 2019 | 37
dministration is a customer-
oriented department and, at FICCI,
there was a need to redeÀne
processes and align them with the customer
for capturing all possible faults. It was a
major task to do so, as the organisation had
about 24 different processes that needed to
be mapped. After the audit and a customer
satisfaction survey, the team achieved a rating
of 3.75 out of 5.
3 reviously, all facility operation activities were planned in silos,
without considering organisations’ goals, mission and objectives.
Collaco aligned it to the mission and À[ed .3Is that were
monitored and a signiÀcant improvement in the service Tuality
was observed. Mobile applications for all facilities staff were
provided. This enabled portability and ease for all users to conduct
inspections and contribute to increased productivity of operations.
Collaco believes that technology is rapidly changing the way
we do business. The use of different technologies such as BIM
helps support sustainable management of buildings. Use of IOT
helps improve productivity and efÀciency, whether for energy
management or transportation. Furthermore, automated systems
help reduce labour cost and more effectively manage the building.
Integration through CAFM software can help in space planning
applications and collaborative design of ofÀces is another step
towards increasing efÀciency and productivity.
MD – IFM and Asset Services,
Cushman & Wakefield (PMSI) India
Head – Estate Management & Administration, FICCI
s the workforce in
companies gets increasing
mobile, a fair chunk is often
travelling. In this regard, operators
with laptops were introduced to the
hoteling concept, wherein the Áoor
area was allocated to people with
temporary seating requirement on a
daily/weekly basis. This substantially
helped improve the utilisation of
seats. “:e decided to create shift clusters on speciÀc Áoors
that allows us to optimise the utility/energy requirements
of Áoors for common areas as well as the entire Áoor. This
change resulted in huge savings,” shares Sharma.
Availability of meeting rooms, board rooms, training rooms
and other collaborative spaces was a prevailing challenge for
the company. So, the team automated the system with an
internal tool that saved time.
One of the most popular and productive strategies
implemented at Cushman :akeÀeld was the introduction
of the ‘wellness’ theme. This included regular talks and
diagnostic clinic sessions by eminent specialists and availability
of physiotherapists and nutritionists at each of its sites.
“This enlightened the employees on prevention and cure of
diseases, proper ergonomics, general health and wellbeing.
Immediate results were improved employee productivity,
reduced absenteeism and a drop in attrition rates,” adds