2019-09-01 Commercial Design

(Chris Devlin) #1


40 | September 2019 | Commercial Design

VP – Global Facilities, Dell Technologies


team thrives to
design and manage
its workplaces with
technology and
new-age designs to
provide a safe, lively, collaborative and conducive
environment for all. 'ell introduced cloud-based
Personal 'igital $ssistants P'$s to read up
on all critical eTuipment, housekeeping, cafeteria
and transport, etc, using 1)& 1 ear )ield
&ommunication technology. P'$s not only
record the data but also help generate insightful
reports to manage operations efÀciently.
8 nder Ohlyan’s leadership, 'ell was
lauded for its workplace innovation, digital
transformation, data-driven decision making
and a slew of sustainable measures. “Our new
buildings meet /((' *old or Platinum standards
and are designed with 20% ¶hot desking seats’
as well as green walls and roofs, /(' lighting,
recycled materials, rainwater-reuse systems,
solar panels, renewable energy sources, and
other sustainable features. 7 hese facilities have
reduced consumption by more than 20% with
substantial annual savings,” states Ohlyan.
'ell facilities house workplace lounges with
standing workstations, treadmill workstations
and special desks for the differently-abled. Pivotal
seating style enables accelerated engagement
that translates into faster outcomes. 7 he
programmes are focused to drive incessant
innovation, workforce engagement, and constant


ome of the best practices in Sharekhan’s facility include
ensuring that the air conditioner is maintained as per ambient
temperature, replacing &)/s with /('s, monitoring of electrical
phase to ensure proper power factor is maintained and celebrating earth
hour every month on the Àrst and third Saturday as a contribution to go
green and save energy.
*etting talent to this industry has been a maMor problem due to
lack of awareness. &onsidering facilities managers during the design

stage could potentially reduce the efforts for maintenance during
operations, the company factors in )0 inputs for space planning and
energy analysis too.
,ncreased work load effecting the work and personal life balance is
another concern, feels Sarkar. “,t is common to Ànd a facility that wants
to make the best out of the few resources present. A manager faces
pressure from everyone in the facility to perform at high )0 services
level even with few resources,” he says.

VP and country head – Corporate Real Estate, Admin & Infrastructure, Sharekhan
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