2019-09-01 Commercial Design

(Chris Devlin) #1


Commercial Design | September 2019 | 41


P Kukreja Architects
takes efforts to
remain in touch
with the best practices across
the globe. 7 he Àrm also
prides itself in being updated
with the latest technological
trends and how they can
be accommodated to solve
problems more efÀciently.
7 alking about latest trends in ofÀce design, Kukreja
delivers, “With technology playing a dominant role
to catalyse a fastpaced life, newer ways of ofÀce
spaces have emerged. &oworking spaces have
reformed the way in which we visualise interiors
of workspaces, which also encourages people to
connect and communicate through teleconferencing,
leading to a digital nomad lifestyle. 7 his results in
a reTuirement for larger meeting rooms, while
accommodating Áexible workstations and work
desks. 7 he concepts in which the interiors of a
building are designed starts playing an important
role for us, the architects.”
Kukreja feels that the latest trend of undertaking
large projects on an ¶(P&· mode, where an architect
has to simply do the concept design and the
contractor controls the Tuality of the project, is
disastrous. ,n order to Ànd shortcuts and save
costs, the true value and experience of the space
is lost. “, believe that it is of utmost importance
that we architects cast aside the cynicism or
helplessness and put our heads together to drive a
positive change. We should celebrate the immense
opportunities we have in a fast developing country
with an enormous appetite to transform our built
environment,” he states.

Principal architect, CP Kukreja Architects

Senior VP and co-head – Facilities Management & Administration, HDFC Bank


hauhan’s ideologies from his previous
experience at Reliance Retail, are:
“ 7 he )0 team’s plans pan,ndia
were based on PR,'( Proactively Reasonably
,dentifying 'eliverables to (xecute every year
with different themes.
,n fact, 98&A 9 olatility, 8 ncertainty,
&omplexity and Ambiguity ensured that the
team’s development on emotional intelligence,

selfawareness and fulÀlment had a positive impact on the team and
the business. While the emphasis was on eTuipping the team with
necessary skills reTuired to perform duties better, a sincere effort was
made towards turning this into an enjoyable and open exercise for all to
express themselves and maximise learning.”
,n his travel across the country, meeting with different team members
and during motivational talks, he expresses the concept of ¶*R 2 W’ ³
an abbreviation indicative of four values: *ratitude, Respect, 2 wnership
and Willingness.
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