50 | September 2019 | Commercial Design
he multidisciplinary design house
provides solutions ranging from master
planning, architecture, interior design,
0(3 services, proMect management consultancy
as Zell as design and Euild services 3 unMaEi
remains handson in every proMect, maintaining
design aspects, timely completion of proMects and
Eudget controls
+e shares, ́93&3/ has Eeen in the Eusiness
of Euilding spaces for over four decades ,t has evolved Zith changing times
2 ur practice is focused on largescale and fastmoving proMects for maMor
01&s across the country, Zhich is Zhy Ze adopt designs that are elegant,
easy to e[ecute and most costeffective &losely monitoring proMects and
Zeaving technology into design and e[ecution is our motive :e also ZorN
on design and Euild proMects, Zhich , Eelieve sharpens an architect·s sNillμ
93&3/ is rooted in its commitment on Tuality, cost and timely
completion of proMect, along Zith proMect management 7 he practice·s
services have led not Must to groZth Eut also its success
he leadership at & : is pledged
to maNe themselves the employer
of choice in the industry by
abiding with the philosophy of continuous
improvement of organisational culture
7 his has resulted in the accelerated
implementation of industry benchmarNs
policies, such as the six-month maternity
leave accorded uniformly to new, surrogate
and adoptive mothers or the push to get the differently-abled
involved across roles
́:e realise that Nnowledge and awareness are the Ney to
facilitating fruitful change and have invested signiÀcantly in training
and development across the entity :e also invest in creating
worNspaces that reÁect us as a friendly, agile and collaborative entity,μ
shares *andhi $ccording to him, worNplace is now seen as a Ney
differentiator in attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry
*andhi suggests that worNspaces will have to be dynamically
designed to adapt to ever-changing business needs, while capturing
the essence of expectations from various staNeholders in a bid to
optimise productivity and overall collaboration within organisations
7 he consulting and worNplace services leader mentions ́7he
increasing technology adoption is a massive driver in changing the
way we worN &ollaboration has become easier than before on a
local, regional and global level with a wide range of tools *iven how
fast the marNets are changing, companies need agile, cross-functional
teams that adapt to changes TuicNlyμ
MD – Consulting & Workspace Services, Cushman & Wakefield