58 | September 2019 | Commercial Design
GM and head – Corporate Real Estate & Workplace, Mindtree
uman capital is this tech company’s
most siJniÀcant asset anG EUanG
which is why it continuously enhances
woUNplaces IoU its people 7 he company has
iGentiÀeG woUNplace eUJonomics anG UeplaceG
oYeU GesN seatinJ :oUNplace tasN liJhtinJ
was chanJeG to /(' with optimal lu[ leYel 3 lus
an inteUactiYe inGooU ]one as well as an outGooU
JaUGen weUe cUeateG IoU people to collaEoUate
anG EonG
7 he GemoJUaphics anG comple[ities oI woUNplaces leaG to challenJes
that .annan Ieels can Ee aGGUesseG Ey woUNplace technoloJies which
enhance the way people inteUact anG aYail oI seUYices +e alonJ with
his team has automateG tUanspoUt systems caIe manaJement system
caUpoolinJ )0 0,6 GashEoaUGs employee IeeGEacN system anG cUitical
systems actionaEle monitoUinJ with ,o 7 anG eneUJy sensoUs EaseG
technoloJy application
2YeU the last thUee yeaUs 0 inGtUee has moYeG to oYeU oI ouU
eneUJy GemanGs to cleanUenewaEle souUces solaU thUouJh 3 oweU
3 uUchase $JUeements 33$s 7 his helpeG them EUinJ Gown the *+*
emissions Ey oYeU anG cost peU unit oI poweU Gown Ey oYeU in
the same time IUame
eam One Architect’s basic
vision includes incomparable
competence in perception and
intelligent foresight. Having developed
strong roots in pharmaceuticals, media,
finance, logistics, ITs, ITeS and BPOs,
their expertise lies in green buildings,
technical and institutional buildings, and
data centers.
7 he GesiJn team is aGaptaEle anG YeUsatile allowinJ clients to tailoU
theiU style to Àt the aUchitectuUal woUN .apse says ́:e EelieYe in
sleep moGeUnism anG UeinteUpUetation oI cUeatinJ liYinJ woUNspaces
:e haYe ouU own siJnatuUe style up IUontμ
+is inÁuential aUchitectuUe inteUioU GesiJn enJineeUinJ anG uUEan
planninJ ÀUm was IounGeG in ,t has moUe than completeG
pUoMects anG GesiJneG anG Euilt laNh sTuaUe Ieet 7 he pUactice is
Nnown IoU its steaGIast commitment to GesiJn e[cellence innoYation
anG sustainaEility
Founder and strategist, Team One Architects (India)