Commercial Design | September 2019 | 59
isibility of facilities team is the key to
JaiQiQJ coQÀGeQce amoQJ cXstomeUs
aQG emSloyees alike 1 eelaGUi
belieYes ,QtUoGXciQJ a JeQeUic email accoXQt
aQG ticketiQJ softZaUe foU facilities is a GiliJeQt
steS foU the comSaQy ́7his stUateJy Zill helS
both facilities team aQG cXstomeUs to tUack
the statXs of UeTXests aQG comSlaiQts 7 his iQ
fact Zill helS maiQtaiQ the tXUQaUoXQG time
to comSlete aQy UeTXest aQG GeliYeU GesiUable
emSloyee e[SeUieQce iQ ZoUkSlacesμ he e[SlaiQs
itelliJeQce folloZs the -aSaQese 6 techQiTXe 6 eiUi soUt 6 eitoQ
set iQ oUGeU 6 eisõ shiQe 6 eiketsX staQGaUGise aQG 6 hitsXke
sXstaiQ 1 eelaGUi elaboUates ́,t is GeÀQeG as a methoGoloJy that
UesXlts iQ a ZoUkSlace that is cleaQ XQclXtteUeG safe aQG oUJaQiseG to
helS UeGXce Zaste aQG oStimise SUoGXctiYity 7 his techQiTXe is maMoUly
XseG iQ hoXsekeeSiQJ maiQteQaQce aQG iQYeQtoUy maQaJemeQt foU
best UesXltsμ
%esiGes iQstalliQJ ÀUe e[tiQJXisheUs ÀUe alaUms sSUiQkleUs aQG otheU
safety measXUes to tackle emeUJeQcy sitXatioQ the team maiQtaiQs
aQ (57 (meUJeQcy 5 esSoQse 7 eam to maiQtaiQ emSloyee safety
at ZoUkSlaces 7 hey coQGXct UeJXlaU emeUJeQcy safety tUaiQiQJs
aQG mock GUills to eQsXUe emSloyee aleUtQess so that they aUe Zell
SUeSaUeG foU emeUJeQcies
Head of Facilities & EHS, Virtusa Consulting Services
Head – Admin and Facilities, itelligence India Software Solutions
SaGhyay is
UesSoQsible foU
SUoYiGiQJ stUateJic
GiUectioQ to fXQctioQal teams
of )0 Shysical secXUity
tUaQsSoUtatioQ SUocXUemeQt
sSace maQaJemeQt Zith
2'& comSliaQce Uisk
maQaJemeQt aQG ceUtiÀcatioQ
of ,62 aQG 2+6$6
acUoss 9 iUtXsa·s sites ,Q imSlemeQtatioQ of
best SUactices the coUe committee imSlemeQteG
ZebbaseG UosteUiQJ tUaQsSoUt system iQ at
*XUXJUam aQG %eQJalXUX aQG iQ at +yGeUabaG
6XccessfXl imSlemeQtatioQ of tUaQsSoUt softZaUe
e7UaQsSoUt iQ stUeamliQeG the oYeUall
tUaQsSoUt aQG Áeet maQaJemeQt oSeUatioQs
9 iUtXsa iQtUoGXceG backtoback coQceSt foU
SickXS aQG GUoS iQ tUaQsSoUt iQGXstUy iQ
UesXltiQJ iQ saYiQJs of 5 s millioQ SeU aQQXm
Zhile ZoUkiQJ Zith *( &aSital ,QteUQatioQal
6 eUYices 7UaQsSoUt cost SeU )7( Zas oStimiseG aQG
cost SeU seat Zas bUoXJht GoZQ thUoXJh YaUioXs
SUocess imSUoYemeQts 6 olaU 3 laQt of .: Zas
iQstalleG at +yGeUabaG sXSSoUtiQJ of oYeUall
eQeUJy coQsXmStioQ
7 he comSaQy also iQcUeaseG the seatiQJ
caSacity fUom sTft to sTft SeU seat thUoXJh
UetUoÀt SUoMects ,t also iGeQtiÀeG aQG leG the
bXilGoXt SUoMects to set XS QeZ ofÀces iQ
3 hiliSSiQes seateU 0 alaysia seateU
3XQe seateU %eQJalXUX seateU aQG
+yGeUabaG seateU