Commercial Design | September 2019 | 65
concept to closure of residential,
commercial, ,7 campuses, townships, retail,
hospitality, recreation, industrial, etc. +e has been
technical head in reputed companies as well as
also played a vital role in management activities.
5&( started with 0(3 design service in .
7 oday, it has e[panded to offer solutions across
verticals. 7 he Àrm now has over engineering
professionals with engineeryear e[perience, handling project across
the country.
5 amesh shares, ́2ur clients are category leaders in corporate ofÀces,
retail, healthcare, government, hospitality, institutional, banking, cultural
centres, to name a few. :e take a holistic approach to a building·s
lifecycle and have organised our practice to address every aspect from
infrastructure development to space analysis, design to adaptive reuse,
space usage analysis to repositioning and commissioning. 7 he management
is involved directly in every stage of projects, value adding to propositions
as needed.μ
National manager – Projects, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages
Principal consultant, Ralys Consulting Engineers
hen +&&% relocated their corporate
ofÀce to %engaluru, its new workspace
followed a narrative of its inspiring
legacy through its built form. Adding a touch of Indian-
ness to this objective, the sprawling ofÀce portrays
the concept of a ¶nukkad· ³ a junction or intersection
that connects multiple pathways ³ to create an
interesting traverse of spaces. “It is in line with and an
e[tension to our business concept and operations. All
the Áoors e[press the same thought through varying
elements,μ e[plains 0 aganti.
7 he corporate ofÀce is built around collaboration, open culture, vibrancy
and energy, heritage and a sense of purpose. 7 he ofÀce has ample space for
teams to mingle, brainstorm and work together. 7 o promote an open culture,
cabin spaces give way to workstations, providing space to unwind and engage in
informal conversations. An energetic and refreshing design comes together by
staying away from monotonous ofÀce layouts. +ere, workstation clusters are
set up in an informal, mostly zigzag pattern to encourage employees to move
freely and interact seamlessly with each other. “ 7 he desks are created with a
soft seating at all workstations to enable conversations,μ shares 0 aganti.