68 | September 2019 | Commercial Design
Regional head – HSE, Travel & Real Estate, Marsh & Mclennan Companies
axena has over 25 years of experience in
Whe ÀeOG of sWraWeJic reaO ssWaWe services
faciOiWies PanaJePenW anG ZorNpOace
soOXWions $W 0 arsh 0 cOennan he ensXres Whe
focXs is sWeaGy on GeOiverinJ EesWincOass services
Wo ePpOoyees 7 his heOps PanaJe Whe percepWions
of enGXsers anG Whe OeaGership +iJh focXs
GeOiverinJ consisWenW services ensXre speeGy
GeOivery EeWWer conWroO of cosWs EeWWer iPaJe
proMecWion for Whe coPpany anG aEove aOO hiJher ePpOoyee saWisfacWion
2 nOy of Whe overaOO operaWions of )0 are exposeG Wo enGXsers
Zhereas of Whe operaWions are EacNenG anG are PanaJeG Ey
inWernaO WeaPs (sWaEOisheG process anG inGepWh operaWion pOans PaNe
sXre WhaW every aspecW of )0 is WaNen care of GXrinJ operaWions afÀrPs
6 axena
+e aOso EeOieves WhaW Whe criWicaO coPponenW of ZorNpOace safeWy anG
coPPiWPenW WoZarGs environPenW is effecWiveOy porWrayeG Ey aGopWinJ
EesW pracWices in Whis GoPain &onWinXaO efforWs anG aZareness ensXre
safe ZorNinJ environPenW Zhich in WXrn aiGs Whe overaOO orJanisaWionaO
oEMecWive of reWaininJ WaOenW anG prevenWs aGverse pXEOiciWy
any seOf
anG services Jives
,nterra,7 reGXceG costs
Xser satisfaction anG
XptiPe service
%einJ a OoZscaOe
operator ,nterra,7
GeveOopeG inhoXse activities to reGXce
GepenGency on externaO venGors ́:e picNeG a
feZ criticaO areas sXch as JarGen Paintenance
transport faciOity PanaJePent anG ticNetinJ
(TXippeG Zith an enthXsiastic teaP Ze are not
onOy PanaJinJ oXr oZn JarGen anG pOants EXt
are aOso servicinJ feZ other coPpanies 7 his
in tXrn Jives Xs a sPaOO revenXeμ eOaEorateG
.apoor +is teaP has Zon the ¶Eest JarGen·
aZarG tZice in a roZ froP 1 oiGa +orticXOtXre
6 ociety 7 hey aOso PanaJe the entire faciOity
ZithoXt any externaO service proviGer 7 hey EXy
their oZn consXPaEOes Zhich not onOy reGXces
cost EXt aOso ensXres TXaOity XsaJe
,nterra,7 constrXcteG their EXiOGinJ in
1 oiGa 83 Zhere a hiJh concentration of saOt
in the XnGerJroXnG Zater is oEserveG 7 his
OeG to XninviteG seepaJe in the EasePent of
the ofÀce EXiOGinJ ́:e tooN expert aGvice
froP the architect anG EXiOGinJ constrXctors
anG ensXreG that the ZorN is iPpOePenteG
irrespective of the EXGJetμ says .apoor a
professionaO Zith over 25 years of experience
in hospitaOity JeneraO aGPinistration anG faciOity
VP – Administration, InterraIT, NSEZ