2019-09-24 Femina

(Ben Green) #1

FASHION face-to-face

Luck by chance
“I was in Delhi preparing for the Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Combined Graduate Level when I met a photographer who asked
me to model for a clothing brand. After the assignment, I uploaded
the photos from the shoot on my Facebook account. Before
I knew it, the director of my now modelling agency, Anima Creative
Management, contacted me and offered me the opportunity
to join the agency. My life has changed since then.”

Tryst with destiny
“I used to work at
a restaurant and, one day,
when I was going home, I met
two transgenders who
introduced me to the Blue
Diamond Society (an LGBT
Rights Organisation in Nepal).
It was my first interaction with
other transgenders. Later,
they suggested VOW Media
(Voices Of Women) to me,
who were then in need
of a transgender model for
a shoot. I am glad I took up
that first stint because it
paved the way for my career.”


Four models share their stories of being
discovered for the catwalk, with Shruti Shende

FASHION face-to-face

Luck by chance
“I was in Delhi preparing for the Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Combined Graduate Level when I met a photographer who asked
me to model for a clothing brand. After the assignment, I uploaded
the photos from the shoot on my Facebook account. Before
I knew it, the director of my now modelling agency, Anima Creative
Management, contacted me and offered me the opportunity
to join the agency. My life has changed since then.”

Tryst with destiny
“I used to work at
a restaurant and, one day,
when I was going home, I met
two transgenders who
introduced me to the Blue
Diamond Society (an LGBT
Rights Organisation in Nepal).
It was my first interaction with
other transgenders. Later,
they suggested VOW Media
(Voices Of Women) to me,
who were then in need
of a transgender model for
a shoot. I am glad I took up
that first stint because it
paved the way for my career.”


Four models share their stories of being
discovered for the catwalk, with Shruti Shende
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