Apple Magazine - 13.09.2019

(Jeff_L) #1

space satellite launched in 1957, and with 1961’s
first manned trip into space.
“In my view, it’s not an overstatement to say that
we’re at another Sputnik moment,” Dunford said.
“And you could argue that the stakes are much
higher than they were in the late 1950s and
early 1960s.”
The Pentagon had a U.S. Space Command
from 1985 to 2002, but it was disbanded in the
aftermath of the Sept. 11 terror attacks to focus
on homeland defense. Trump said in December
he would re-establish the Space Command with
the goal of improving the organization space
operations across the U.S. military and to speed
up technical developments.
Space Command is not Space Force, a separate
military service that Trump wants but which
Congress must approve. In a White House
ceremony last week, the president said Space
Command represents a recognition of the
central role of space in security and defense.
Russia and China are placing greater emphasis
on their space capabilities, and have developed
technology and weapons that could disrupt or
destroy satellites, Dunford said.
Iran and North Korea have less developed
capabilities, they still pose a threat, he added.
Space Command has become necessary to
not only compete, but will be essential to the
nation’s ability to fight wars, he said.
“I learned early in my career the value of seizing
the high ground in a fight,” Dunford said. “Space
command will seize and hold the high ground.”
Space Command’s new commander, Gen.
John “Jay” Raymond, said he wants to deter
war in space by focusing on building forces
that would win a cosmic battle and keep U.S.
“space superiority.”

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