BBC Focus - 09.2019

(avery) #1

ook up at the night sky and
find the famous three stars
of Orion’s Belt. Then extend
the line between them up
a nd to t he r ig ht towa rd s
the constellation of Taurus,
The Bull. Halfway between
them sits a small patch of
otherwise unremarkable sky
that could well be home to
one of the most famous finds
in astronomical history – a
nint h pla net orbiting t he
Sun. It isn’t every day a new
planet is discovered in the
Sola r System. I n fact, by
one mea su re, it ha s on ly
happened twice before in
all of human history with
Uranus (1781) and Neptune
(1846). All the other planets
have been k now n si nce
antiquity and were never
really ‘discovered’. Objects
such as Ceres (the largest
asteroid) and Pluto were once deemed part of the
planet club, but have since had their membership
revoked. William Herschel, Urbain Le Verrier,
Johann Gottfried Galle and John Couch Adams
are the only astronomers to ever f ind a new
planet that is still considered as such.
That elite list may soon be about to grow. CalTech
astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin
are among the frontrunners to join it. Back in
2016 they went public with the radical notion
that the roll call of planets orbiting the Sun isn’t
finished. They had noticed a handful of small





worlds beyond Neptune behaving mysteriously,
a nd considered t hat perhaps a nint h pla net
could account for their strange motion. “We were
confident that another planet could explain the
features of the outer Solar System,” says Batygin.
They’ve been scouring the sky for this object, but
so far it has escaped them. For now, this potential
world goes by the moniker of Planet Nine. If and
when it is discovered, it will be named after a
Roman or Greek deity, just like the other planets.

Planet Nine’s suggested existence is based on
observations over the last decade with telescopes
big enough to peer into t he murky env irons
beyond the eight known planets. Studying this
under-explored wilderness is a real challenge.
We only see thanks to ref lected sunlight, and
for these trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) that
light has to undergo quite a journey. The odyssey
starts at the Sun, then travels out to a distance
of more than 4,500,000,000km, before bouncing
off an object and making the return trip to the
Earth almost all the way back to the start. That
light is also fading all the while, making it very
faint and requiring a big telescope to collect it.
Take the 600-kilometre-wide object known as
2012 VP113. It sits 80 times further from the Sun
than the Earth, meaning the light we see reflected
from it is around 40 million times dimmer than
normal sunlight. Despite travelling at 300,000
kilometres per second, light takes nearly a day
to cover the full distance from the Sun to VP113
and back to the Earth.
It was the discovery of VP113 by astronomers
Scott Sheppard and Chad Trujillo in 2014 that
first flagged up the possibility of an undiscovered


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