the washington post
thursday, september
Americans love cheese.
While U.S. dairy milk consump-
tion has fallen, cheese consump-
tion keeps increasing year over
year. According to an Agriculture
Department report from 2018, per
capita cheese consumption in-
creased to a record 37.23 pounds.
If you’re a die-hard cheese fan,
you’re probably consuming your
mozzarella and ricotta (Italian
cheeses are now the most popular
in t he United S tates) with a side of
guilt. After all, cheese has long
gotten a bad r ap because o f its high
saturated fat content, which is
considered bad for h eart health.
Research is starting to suggest,
however, that the issue may be
more complex. One study pub-
lished in 2018 showed dairy fats
such as cheese had a neutral-to-pos-
itive effect on the heart. A 2018 re-
view from Harvard researchers
concluded there was a “null or weak
inverse association between con-
sumption of dairy products and
risk of cardiovascular disease,”
though it said more research was
needed. A study from the Lancet
medical journal found dairy prod-
ucts such a s cheese were l inked to a
lower mortality risk.
According to Jennifer Glockner,
a registered dietitian and creator
of the Smartee Plate, recent stud-
ies have indicated “that cheese
may actually offer protective
properties on the heart,” though
she also noted that they were ob-
servational and did not prove
cause and effect. Cheese does pro-
vide some beneficial nutrients,
she s ays, “ including protein; c alci-
um for bone and teeth health;
zinc, which promotes wound-
healing and immunity; vitamin A
for eye and s kin health, and B12.”
None of this means you should
start consuming cheese indis-
criminately; take care when add-
ing it to your diet. Which cheeses
are most healthful? It c an be tough
to offer hard-and-fast guidelines
because each variety has its own
nutritional profile, and cheeses
can be broken up into categories
in myriad ways, whether you
group them by milk s ource or pro-
duction style. With the help of
experts, we’ve come up with gen-
eral guidelines to consider when
making c heese part of y our d iet.
Ranking by healthfulness
Fresh cheese. If you’re looking
for the leanest option, your best
bet is fresh cheese. Such unrip-
ened cheeses include goat cheese,
feta, ricotta and cottage cheese.
“These cheeses are produced by
the coagulation o f milk a nd cream
by chemical or culture acidifica-
tion, or a combination o f chemical
acidification and high heat treat-
ment,” s ays Nicole Magryta, a reg-
istered dietitian and author
of “ Nourish Your Tribe: Empower-
ing Parents to Grow Strong,
Smart, Successful Kids.” “They
also tend to be lowest in fats and
A serving of cottage cheese or
ricotta will pack a healthy dose of
protein, and typically be lower in
calories; half a cup of cottage
cheese is roughly 110 calories.
Ricotta is higher in calories —
about 180 calories for h alf a cup —
but is loaded with calcium. “While
high in sodium, feta tends to be
one of the lowest in calories. Plus,
with its strong flavor, you often
use less of it than other cheeses,”
says Kelli McGrane, a registered
dietitian with the weight-loss app
Lose It! “Goat cheese is milder in
flavor than feta, but also tends to
be lower in calories as well as fat.”
Depending on how it’s processed,
goat cheese can also pack probiot-
ics, which are microorganisms
that can aid digestion.
Fresh mozzarella, “tends to be
one of the lowest in calories and
sodium,” McGrane says. “A ddition-
ally, fresh mozzarella contains Lac-
tobacillus casei and Lactobacillus
fermentum, two probiotic strains
that are beneficial for gut health.”
Harder cheeses. Hard, fer-
mented cheeses have been aged
longer than soft cheese, lending a
richer flavor and increasing shelf
life. They i nclude varieties such as
cheddar, Swiss and Parmesan and
tend to be good sources of impor-
tant vitamins and minerals such
as calcium and vitamin A. They
also have a modest amount of fat,
according to Glockner. “Hard
cheeses such as cheddar and Par-
mesan usually have more calcium
and less lactose, since the whey is
removed during processing,” she
explains. That s aid, though t here’s
less f at t han there is i n soft cheese,
there’s m ore sodium.
I f you h ave lactose s ensitivity or
suffer from irritable bowel syn-
drome, hard cheeses such as Par-
mesan will probably be better for
reducing y our gut symptoms. Sha-
ron Collison, a registered dietitian
and clinical instructor in nutrition
at t he University of Delaware, says
you may end up only wanting a
little bit of this variety. “These
cheeses are very low in moisture,
which increases their shelf life,”
Collison says. “They are generally
served grated and can be healthy
choices because they have such
intense flavor that small portions
are usually enough.”
Blue cheese. Blue cheese,
which has been ripened with cul-
tures of the mold penicillium, in-
cludes varieties such as Stilton
and Gorgonzola. It can be consid-
ered soft or hard, depending on
how it’s p rocessed, and f alls some-
where in the middle of the pack in
terms of health. “ It’s high in calo-
ries, t otal and saturated fat, yet it is
also o ne of t he h ighest in c alcium,”
McGrane says. Again, its potent
flavor profile may mean you’re
satisfied with less of it.
Softer cheeses. Bloomy, mold-
ripened varieties o f cheese t end to
have a firm rind and creamy in-
terior, as they ripen from the out-
side in. Although extremely tasty
on that cheese plate, soft cheeses
such as Camembert, brie and tri-
ple-crème (cheese enriched with
cream) fall into the “less healthy”
category because of their saturat-
ed fat content. “A key thing to
remember is that the softer the
cheese, the higher the fat,” says
Emily Tills, a dietitian and nutri-
tion coach. “Fat makes things
creamier.” It’s also very easy to
overeat a gooey brie slathered o n a
slice of bread with a sweet jam.
Processed cheeses. I n the camp
of cheeses better avoided com-
pl etely, you can toss out the pro-
cessed types, such as American
cheese singles, Velveeta, s pray c an
varieties or shredded cheeses in
plastic bags. “These products
shouldn’t even be considered real
cheese, a s they h ave been manipu-
lated a nd e ngineered a nd p umped
with preservatives,” Magryta says.
“Sweetened cottage cheeses
should also b e avoided; labels that
read ‘fruit flavored’ mislead con-
sumers when, in truth, the prod-
uct is just cheese with sugar, addi-
tives and preservatives.”
Other factors to consider
If eaten in moderation, “quality
cheeses can b e enjoyed a s part o f a
healthy, whole-food, plant-fo-
cused diet,” Magryta says. But
there are some factors you can
keep in mind to improve the
health of y our c heese choices.
Magryta suggests keeping por-
tion sizes s mall. “Most cheeses are
between 60 and 90 percent fat and
have between 75 and 120 calories
per ounce,” s he says. “Aim to keep
your serving size of cheese to 1.5
ounces or less of hard cheeses —
that’s about the s ize o f four dice or
a third of a cup shredded — or a
half-cup portion size of cheeses
like ricotta o r cottage cheese.”
Also, stick to just one serving a
day — and savor it. “Remember,
cheese is not a [primary] source of
protein, it is more so a source of fat
and sodium,” s ays Amy Shapiro, a
registered dietitian and founder
of Real Nutrition NYC. “People
tend t o put a health halo on it since
it doesn’t contain many carbs, but
that doesn’t make it a ‘free food.’ ”
If you really love cheese, Shapiro’s
favorite way to consume it is by
making it “the star of the show,
when it is worth it” instead of
adding it as an extra to “sandwich-
es, salads, omelets,” a nd s o on.
Expert opinions d iffer on wheth-
er turning to low-fat cheese is a
smart strategy. T hough some dieti-
tians continue to recommend low-
fat or part-skim options, recent re-
search suggests that this, too,
might be a more complex issue. A
2016 study in Circulation linked
the real deal to a lower risk of
diabetes, and another study pub-
lished the same year linked full-fat
cheese consumption with a lower
risk of obesity among women.
Magryta recommends choos-
ing full-fat or whole-milk cheese.
“When the fat is processed out of
dairy foods, you lose not only the
flavor but the f ood’s n atural ability
to keep you full,” s he says. “Whole-
fat cheese also helps to balance
blood sugars, which may have to
do with its high amounts of vita-
min K, vitamin D and calcium.”
Furthermore, low-fat cheese can
be “a highly processed food.” Look
at the ingredients. Unhealthy ad-
ditions include “acids, emulsifiers,
thickeners, stabilizers, gums and
other nondairy ingredients to
make up for the lost fat.” You
should be wary if the ingredient
list on the cheese feels long.
As long as you’re consuming
cheeses in moderation as part of a
diet rich in whole foods, Magryta
believes the higher amount of sat-
urated fat shouldn’t be an issue.
“The healthiest cheese depends
first on its quality,” she says.
“Cheeses that are unprocessed,
raw, full-fat, grass-fed and certi-
fied organic, if possible, are the
best. Fermented [or cultured]
cheese products are also excellent
choices. You don’t always have to
have all of these characteristics,
but shoot f or a s many as you can.”
For specific health needs
The dietitians we talked to rec-
ommended these cheeses to ad-
dress specific health concerns.
To reduce sodium: Swiss, goat,
Emmental, or Wensleydale
To boost calcium: Manchego,
Emmental, Parmesan, Romano,
Gruyere, or Swiss
To increase protein: cottage
cheese, r icotta, Romano o r Parme-
To boost gut health: Raw, un-
pasteurized cheddar, feta, Gouda,
Edam, caciocavallo, Emmental, o r
To cope with lactose sensitivi-
ty: hard cheeses such as cheddar,
Parmesan, Swiss, asiago, man-
chego and Pecorino R omano
To be safe during pregnancy:
pasteurized cheeses.
[email protected]
Jenna Birch is a journalist, dating
coach and the author of “The Love
Gap: A Radical Plan to Win in Life and
From feta to Velveeta: A cheese guide based on healthfulness
Healthiest to least healthy
Feta, goat, cottage cheese, ricotta,
Cheddar, Parmesan, Swiss, asiago,
manchego, and Pecorino Romano
Gorgonzola, Stilton, Roquefort, Bleu
Brie, Camembert, triple-creme
varieties, queso blanco, Neufchâtel
Velveeta, Kraft singles, bagged
shredded cheese