The Washington Post - 05.09.2019

(Axel Boer) #1

the washington post


thursday, september





a fun time that she started coming to
the front week after week,” she says.
“She re-framed herself as a leader
and didn’t get into any more fights
with her siblings for the rest of the
At Fulton Middle School in Mis-
souri, students are part of the teach-
er interview panel, says Beth Houf,
the school’s principal and author of
“Lead Like a Pirate: Make School
Amazing for Your Students and
Staff.” “Kids who have a voice at the
table feel ownership, and t hey’re less
likely to tear down systems they
helped build,” she explains.
Parents can encourage kids to
take on more responsibility, too.
Help your child brainstorm ideas,
whether it’s starting a babysitting
business, preparing a family meal or
helping a younger sibling with

Help them with self-identity
Tweens are trying to figure out
who they are and whether they’re
good enough at a time when they
most want to fit in. They can be
intolerant of any differences, includ-
ing their own, and they need safe
spaces where they can explore sa-
lient aspects of their identity — such
as their race or sexual identity —
with peers who relate.
In one survey, the Gay, Lesbian &
Straight Education Network found
that students who attend a middle
school with a gender and sexuality
alliance hear 20 percent fewer ho-
mophobic remarks, feel 29 percent
safer and are 48 percent less likely to
be bullied. Affinity groups foster
inclusion and acceptance for every-
Middle schoolers are more self-
accepting when they understand ev-
eryone has a backstory, but that can
only happen if they leave their social
comfort zones. Schools can accom-
plish this by mixing up lunch room
seating, says Joanna Lee Williams,
an associate professor of education
at the University of Virginia, “but it
needs to be intentional so it’s not
sorted stereotypically with gamer
kids at one table and sporty kids at
Parents also can instill a positive
identity. Show your child images of
beauty, power and intelligence that
relate to or look like them, and talk
about the origin of their name,
meaningful family rituals and favor-
ite family recipes. Then ask yourself:
“Who does my c hild see me befriend-
ing? Do my friends all look like me?”
If you model inclusion and avoid
stereotyping people, your child will
learn that everyone is worthy of


“I just want to get my child
through eighth grade,” my friend Jon
told me. “I expected middle school to
be tough, but not this tough.” In
seventh grade, his daughter’s f riends
shunned her when she broke up with
a boy who told everyone she had
fabricated the relationship. “It was
the p erfect storm, t he kind of experi-
ence that toys with a middle school-
er’s self-worth,” J on said.
Stories like this perpetuate the
cultural narrative that middle
school is a time of social churn and
suffering, but they paint an incom-
plete picture. Yes, tweens can be
impulsive, insensitive and mean, but
they also are empathetic, attuned to
injustice and wired for moral action.
As a school counselor, I know
many parents feel powerless to help,
but this isn’t a phase to sit out,
especially because middle schools
are often misaligned with tweens’
needs to belong, assert autonomy,
connect, establish a positive self-
identity and exercise independence.
“Suddenly, there may be no more
recess or choice time; they’re going
from teacher to teacher with new
sets of peers; and they’re feeling
more achievement pressure,” ex-
plains Nancy Deutsch, director of
the Youth-Nex Center at the Univer-
sity of Virginia and a leader of the
Remaking Middle School Initiative,
a national movement to improve
middle school.
The data shows these efforts are
critical. Kids’ self-esteem, creativity
and academic engagement all take a
hit during these years. Girls’ confi-
dence levels, in particular, drop
30 percent between ages eight and
14, according to a YPulse study, and
researchers reported in the Journal
of Early Adolescence that starting a
new school in sixth or seventh grade
negatively affects students’ motiva-
tion and academic self-identity.
As momentum builds to trans-
form middle school, here are seven
ways parents and educators can
work within the existing model to
better address tweens’ distinct
needs and soften their journey.

Trust them with responsibility
When tweens are given responsi-
bility, it improves their self-percep-
tion. Megan Vroman, principal of
Ida B. Wells Middle School in the
District, told me about an eighth-
grade girl who got into a big fight
with her younger siblings in front of
the school and whose consequence
was to greet younger students at the
front door for a week. “She had such

respect — including themselves.

Give them ways to serve
Tweens are less likely to focus on
perceived social slights or their own
imperfections when they’re looking
outward and serving others. Volun-
teering also appeals to tweens’ de-
sire to make a difference.
Vroman said that when she took a
group of middle school students to
Europe, they were grumpy and com-
plained incessantly. “They didn’t
want to walk around the Louvre
Museum because their feet hurt,”
she says. The night before they left,
the group decided to give their left-
over food from dinner to homeless
people they passed on the street.
“The students came alive in a
totally different way — it was some-
thing I hadn’t seen all trip,” Vroman
recalls. “They didn’t speak the lan-
guage and there were so many barri-
ers, but they were so excited to serve.
Middle schools need to reinforce
that kids are not too young to make a
difference, and then infuse that
throughout the school.”
At home, talk to your child about
problems they’ve observed, and help
them engage in volunteer work that
appeals to them.

Foster relationships with adults
Tweens benefit from consistent
relationships with sensitive adults,
but they may have to start from
scratch in middle school. “It was a
big shock for my son after having
one teacher and one classroom in
elementary school,” s ays Te ru Clavel,
the author of “World Class: One
Mother’s Journey Halfway Around
the Globe in Search of the Best
Education for her Children.” “He
would say, ‘I have no adult go-to
person, the counselor only knows
the disciplinary cases, and I’m a
number floating in a sea.’ ”
In a typical middle school, “kids
are less likely to believe their teach-
ers care about them, feel less con-
nected socially and their achieve-
ment a ctually d eclines,” notes R obert
Dodd, the principal of Walt Whitman
High School in Bethesda. He started
Project SUCCESS in Montgomery
County Public Schools to enable
some middle schoolers to spend half
their day with one teacher and a
consistent group of peers.
Casey Siddons, a former t eacher i n
the program, found that spending
concentrated time with students al-
lowed him to understand and help
them. One student had a history of
clashing with adults, but Siddons
was able to tap into his desire to
please his mother, a single parent. “I



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