Inside Crochet - UK (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1

78 In side Cr och et

➻MAKE ITPattern instructions

All Aboa r d

Bla n ket


● Paintbox Yarns Wool Mix
Chunky, 50% wool/
50% acrylic, 100g/100m/109yds
Yarn A: Midnight Blue x 13 balls
Yarn B: Champagne White
x 10 balls
Yarn C: Pillar Red x 1 ball
●7mm hook
●Two safety pins

Work 11 sts and 11 rows in
pattern to measure 10 x 10cm/
4 x 4in using 7mm hook, or size
required to obtain tension.

Finished blanket is 130cm/51¼in
wide and 162cm/63¾in long.

The blanket is crocheted over
140 sts in a four-row repeat, with
the border crocheted around the
blanket afterwards.
You can adjust the size of the
blanket by adding or removing
stitches and row repeats of
the pattern.

Using 7mm hook and
yarn A, 141ch.
Foundation Row: (RS) 1dc into
second ch from hook, 1dc into
each ch to end, turn – 140 sts.
Next Row: 3ch (counts as 1tr),
miss st at base of 3ch, 1tr into
each st to end, turn.

Join in yarn B and work in patt
as follows:
Row 1: (RS) Using yarn B, 1ch
(does not count as st), dc blo to
end, working last dc into top of
3ch at beg of previous row, turn.
Row 2: Using yarn B, 1ch (does
not count as st), dc to end, turn.
Row 3: Using yarn A, 1ch (does
not count as st), dc blo to end,
Row 4: Using yarn A, 3ch (counts
as 1tr), miss st at base of 3ch, 1tr
into each st to end, turn.
These four rows form patt.
Cont in patt until blanket
measures approximately
159cm/62½in, ending with Row 4
of patt and a WS row.
Fasten off.

Note: The Border is worked
with two separate balls of yarns

Th is n aut ica l blan ket is a sim ple m a ke wit h

an u nu su a l t wisted r ope edgin g.



B and C worked parallel and
around each other to create two
alternating working sts.

With RS facing and using 7mm
hook, join yarn B into st at centre
of last row of Blanket.
Make 3ch (counts as 1dc, 2ch),
remove hook and place st onto a
safety pin – this st will be referred
to as “B st”. Join yarn C into st to
the left of B st, make 3ch (counts
as 1dc, 2ch), remove hook and
place this st onto a safety pin –
this st will be referred to as “C st”.

*Place B st back onto hook and
working over and in front of C st,
work 1dc into st to the left of C st,
2ch, remove hook and place B st
back onto safety pin.
Place C st back onto hook and
working over and in front of B st,
work 1dc into st to the left of B st,
2ch, remove hook and place C st
back onto safety-pin.*
Rep from * to * around edge of
Blanket, alternating the colour
used for each st and working over
and in front of the previous st to
create a two-colour rope effect.

Work 1 st into every row along
the row-end edges of the Blanket.
At the corners, work once with
each colour into the last st or row
before the corner and work once
with each colour into the fi rst st or
row after the corner.
Complete the round by working
sl st into 3ch-sp at beg of round in
same colour as last st made.
Fasten off yarns B and C.

Press carefully following
instructions on ball band.
Weave in ends and
block to measurements
if required.

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