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A84 Glossary/Index

judicial restraint, 519, 521–22 , 523 The
idea that the Supreme Court should
defer to the democratically elected
executive and legislative branches
of government rather than contra-
dicting existing laws.

judicial review, 58, 491, 492–94, 521, 525
The Supreme Court’s power to strike
down a law or executive branch
action that it finds unconstitutional.
activism and restraint in, 176, 519,
521–22, 525–26

Judiciary Act (1789), 491, 493 The law in
which Congress laid out the organi-
zation of the federal judiciary. The
law refined and clarified federal
court jurisdiction and set the origi-
nal number of justices at six. It also
created the office of the attorney
general and established the lower
federal courts.

jurisdiction, 4 9 6 – 9 7, 498, 507 The sphere
of a court’s legal authority to hear
and decide cases.

jury trials, 49, 109, 139, 157
Justice Department, 470
and affirmative action, 190
and civil rights, 183
discretionary spending on, 553
and domestic surveillance, 136
and executive privilege, 437
and housing discrimination, 159
and Microsoft, 560
and Obama, 437, 443
and police discrimination, 164
and recreational marijuana, 95
and redistricting, 176, 390, 391, 393
and Russia investigation, 413, 418,
454, 472
and sanctuary cities, 70
in screening of lower-court judges,
size of, 474
solicitor general in, 509–10
and Trump, 54, 72, 98, 125, 413, 418,
443, 454, 472, 484
and Watergate investigation, 433

Kagan, Elena, 187, 503, 513, 519, 522
Kaibab National Forest, 563

Kansas, 90
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 421
Kaptur, Marcy, 391
Kasich, John, 102, 283
Kavanaugh, Brett, 291, 334–35, 518, 519
Keillor, Garrison, 180
Kelly, John, 438
Kennan, George F., 620
Kennedy, Anthony M., 191, 501, 518, 519,
520, 522, 522
Kennedy, John F., 168, 169, 182, 186,
521, 586
Kennedy, Robert F., 130, 169
Kent uck y, 47, 173, 303
Kerry, John, 308, 435
Key, V. O., 198, 228
Keynes, John Maynard, 551

Keynesian economics, 551, 552, 553, 554,
568 The theory that governments
should use economic policy, like
taxing and spending, to maintain
stability in the economy.

Keystone XL pipeline, 345
Kim Jong-un, 30, 31, 32, 430, 430, 617,
638, 649
Kimmel, Jimmy, 236
King, Angus, 278
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 130, 167, 170,
King, Rodney, 138
Kingdon, John, 590
Kissinger, Henry, 622
Klobuchar, Amy, 291, 291
Korean War, 135, 621
Kosovo, 623
Kucinich, Dennis, 391
Kuebel, Schilb v., 113
Ku Klux Klan, 119, 122, 124
Kurtzman, Lemon v., 115
Kushner, Jared, 438, 439, 439, 587

labor costs, 564
Labor Department, 470, 474 , 604
labor unions, 343, 353–54, 483, 577
La ffer, A r t hu r, 551
Laffer curve, 551, 552
Lamb, Conor, 309, 311
Land Grant College Act, 606
Las Vegas, Nevada, 128, 131, 368

latent opinion, 201 An opinion formed
on the spot, when it is needed (as

distinct from a deeply held opinion
that is stable over time).

civil rights of, 154–55
composition of U.S. population, 18,
in Congress, 378, 379
discrimination against, 154, 159,
diversity of, 155
as federal court judges, 502, 502
party identification of, 17, 155
police shooting of, 165
presidential appointments of, 186,
socioeconomic indicators on, 161
voting by, 160 , 332, 333
Lauer, Matt, 180
law enforcement, 521
discretionary spending on, 553
as government function, 6, 7
Miranda rights in, 137
and police shootings of African
Americans, 163, 163–64, 165, 171
racial profiling in, 148–50, 163, 192,
193, 194
search and seizure in, 106, 107,
Lawrence, John Geddes, 143, 181
Lawrence v. Texas, 143, 181, 522
laws. See legislation
lawsuits and litigation strategies of
interest groups, 358–59
law yers
right to counsel from, 138–39
women as, 156–57
“layer cake” and “marble cake” models
of federalism, 82, 83, 84
lead in water supply, 163, 464
League of Nations, 421, 620

leaking, 125, 243–45, 244 The practice
in which someone in government
provides nonpublic information to
a reporter, with the aim of generat-
ing press coverage favorable to the
leaker’s aims.

Ledbetter, Lilly, 180, 500
Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber,
180, 500
LeFevre, Dell, 563
legal counsel, right to, 138–39

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