
(sharon) #1
Stephan Martinière
3ds Max
I’m working on the Foundation
T V series for Apple T V, Shang-Chi
for Marvel, and Venom 2 for
Sony. For me, it’s 3ds Max, which
enables me to explore intricate
design ideas that would be
difficult to create on paper.

Ben Mauro
Blender 2.8 is so easy to learn and
use. It just feels like I’m playing
and having fun instead of
working – and it’s free! There are
many amazing online resources
and plugins: HardOps, Boxcutter,
KitOps, Meshmachine and
Decalmachine, for example.
I highly recommend it!

Even Mehl Amundsen
It’s intuitive, responsive,
expanding and mobile. I do most
of my work on the move these
days, and it makes a huge
difference to be able to take it
with me anywhere.

JC Park
15-inch Macbook Pro and
Intuos Pro tablet
I really like Mac OS for digital
painting work. It’s also quite a
stable environment for running
Photoshop. The Intuos tablet is
really comfortable and the surface
doesn’t heat up like other tablets.

Christian Alzmann
Post-it notes
I use a lot of 3D software now for
my work, but I still love to sketch
my ideas on Post-it notes. Also,
when running low on inspiration,
I’ll watch some of my favourite
films or look through my
favourite art books.


What do concept artists use to
help them do their job?


better to go to the source material and
interpret it for yourself.” That being
said, derivative isn’t all bad. You need
to be comfortable working in the latest
design trends. It’s a balancing act.

It’s not enough to do good work. You
also have to get your work seen.
Consider scheduling time to share
your art and look for work. When
you’re ready, Ben says, send your
online portfolio (ArtStation is good,
Squarespace if you want something

Feng says effective
concept art is “done
well, grounded, and
shows a good
understanding of

more personalised) to the company or
franchise you want to work for. It’s
good to have direct contact, but that
might take a bit of detective work.
Conventions are good places to meet
people – nothing wrong with asking to
email them your portfolio. Otherwise,
search Facebook, LinkedIn, ArtStation.
If you can’t find a contact, try and
piece it together by figuring out how
that company formats its email
addresses (is it firstname@company.
com or firstname.surname@company.
com?). Send friendly, professional

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An early drawing of droid BB-8 (or
Beebee-Ate) creative by Christian
for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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