
(sharon) #1
Christian’s work on the
death of Han Solo in The
Force Awakens, which
was first revealed in the
book The Art of The
Last Jedi, to avoid
potential spoilers.

Ben’s work sculpting
chimps in ZBrush, a
tutorial for which is
available on his
Artstation page.

of drawing the flashy, pretty, epic
picture, a concept that could be
considered art in it own its right.
“When you’re working with a cool
client on a cool project,” Feng says, “it
really doesn’t feel like a job. The best
project for me was Star Wars. The
team was awesome, the director was
nice – the project was a dream come
true. I went to work happy all the time.
Driving up to Skywalker Ranch every
morning was so surreal.”

Feng says, “To have longevity in
this industry, you have to be
able to mentally adjust to all
types of situations.”





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