
(sharon) #1

I’ve always been a huge fan of The Creature from
the Black Lagoon, so when del Toro’s The Shape
of Water came out, I was inspired to create a
painting of his creature in a composition I had
been contemplating for the original Creature.

After I painted my Tribes of Kai
book cover, I felt like it would
make a good sculpture, so I
decided to sculpt it. I’m pleased
with the results and hope to
make casts of it one day.

Whenever I get the chance, I love to paint
dinosaurs and wildlife. This piece was done
originally in acrylics, and the background
never sat right with me, so I reworked the
background in oils and created a better
composition that I was happy with.

I have a huge art book collection that overflows
outside the floor-to-ceiling shelves in two
closets, but I love opening those doors and
seeing the variety of inspiration at my fingertips.

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