
(sharon) #1



Sara Tepes continues her series on the free painting program

by taking a tour of Krita’s tools and its pared-back workspace

Krita is one of the best free painting programs
available and includes a great variety of tools and
features. While Photoshop has features that can be
useful from painting to photo retouching to photo
manipulation, too many options create a tough
learning curve for a digital painter.
Krita keeps its interface painter friendly with a clean style and
minimal distractions. Tools are accessibly placed, and most of the
window is dedicated to the canvas. Since Krita has such a gentle
learning curve, it’s easy – and important – to familiarise yourself
with its features before diving into the painting process.


Creating a new document
Open up a new document by going to File>New. To control the size of the canvas, you can select from one of the templates in the
Predefined drop-down menu, or either change the dimensions yourself. Choose either pixels or inches for your dimensions and set the canvas
size to the ratio you want. I prefer a larger file size, no smaller than 3,000px on the shortest size but no larger than 7,000px on the longest. Finally,
set your Resolution either to 300 or 600; the higher resolution, the greater quality for the final image.

Core Skills: Part 2

Sara Tepes
Sara is an illustrator who
works with both digital
and traditional mediums,
and enjoys making
YouTube videos teaching
on various art topics.


My default canvas sizes
are either on a 1:1 ratio
or a 4:5. Both are easy
to print and great for
posting on Instagram.


Free download pdf